The advances in imaging technology over the past decade provide us with a much richer set of capability both in terms of quality and resolution to visualize the structure and processes in porous media. In particular the improvement in time resolution brings us into the position of gaining insight into dynamic process both at pore and Darcy scale at an unprecedented level. While we are finally...
The flow of granular matter in silos has been extensively studied, largely due to its prevalence in industry. However questions remain, for instance regarding the nature of the velocity field, while work considering submerged, fluid-driven systems is somewhat scarce. In this work, fluid-driven granular drainage was performed in a quasi-two-dimensional silo with grains submerged in fluid. A...
Large-scale subsurface CO2 storage has been recognized as a promising technology to mitigate carbon emissions in the atmosphere. Relative permeability with phase saturation is an essential flow parameter for quantifying and modelling injectivity, gas storage capacity, and containment of geological formations for CO2 storage. The drastic impact of temperature fluctuations, due to CO2 injection...
The displacement of oil by water in a porous rock leads to a disconnection of the oil phase as a result of the competition of viscous and capillary forces. In this study, we performed two-dimensional numerical simulations where the Navier-Stokes equations are coupled with the phase field method to capture the dynamic behavior of a single oil droplet in a capillary channel with a constriction....
The process of a fluid replacing a separate miscible fluid in a porous medium is present in many industrial and natural systems, such as enhanced oil recovery, CO2 sequestration and salt-fresh water interfaces in the ground. While the replacement can be approximated with the Darcy law, the mechanisms of the miscible phases mixing to the displacement remain unclear, specifically as the...
We have performed a series of drainage experiments in a radial porous Hele-Shaw cell where we systematically varied the viscosity of the defending (wetting) fluid, and the overpressure of the invading (non-wetting) fluid to map out the resulting invasion structures as a function of viscosity ratio and injection pressure (see Figure 1). We described a cross-over from the viscous fingering...
Gas hydrate, as an alternate hydrocarbon source, has attracted significant attention in past decades. A precise estimation of permeability of the gas hydrate-bearing formation is essential for predicting the flow behaviors and the associated gas production performance. In this research, the influence of gas hydrate saturation on pore structural properties and then affect permeability was...
As a key parameter, trapped gas saturation (Sgr) plays an important role in subsurface processes involving gasses such as carbon capture and storage, H2 storage efficiency and also the production of natural gas. However, the gas compressibility, partitioning/solubility and diffusion effects can be important impact factors for the spatial evolution of fluid and gas phases and directly...
Green hydrogen geological storage and production is a strategy for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. However, there is still a lack of serious mechanisms research of how hydrogen trapping and migrations in the porous media of the rock when considered the buoyancy effect can not be ignored. Through a series of microCT in situ two-phase drainage and imbibition experiments...
The growing interest in shales stems from the presence of significant hydrocarbon reserves and the possibility of storing carbon dioxide in source rock’s organic matter (kerogen). However, the impact of kerogen’s microporosity on fluid dynamics is not fully understood yet. Phenomena such as strong adsorption effects have to be taken into account on fluid transport investigations due to the...
Multiphase flow in porous rock is of vital importance to several issues facing the world at present. It is key to contaminant transport and subsequent remediation, subsurface energy storage and carbon dioxide capture and sequestration. Subsurface flow is typically characterized by having a low capillary number. The fluid displacement is therefore controlled by the capillary pressure across the...
Low-salinity water flooding is a promising technique for enhanced oil recovery in sandstone and carbonate reservoirs. Numerous mechanisms have been proposed to untangle the effect of a low concentration of dissolved salts in the flooding medium. Among the mechanisms, it is suggested osmosis may explain the observed remobilization of residual oil. However, the process of water transport through...
Jaynes statistical mechanics [1] is a generalization of statistical mechanics for thermal systems based on the ideas of Boltzmann. Jaynes bases his approach on the Shannon interpretation of entropy as a measure of what is known about the system at hand. By optimizing the entropy while taking into account the knowledge one has as constraints, such as conserved quantities, it is possible to...
A prime target of Digital Rock Physics is to compute multi-phase flow saturation functions in a time-effective and cost-competitive way. Traditional approaches for flow simulations in porous media may be split into full-physics direct numerical simulations and pore network modeling. Associated with high computational demand and scale limitations, full-physics direct numerical simulations, such...
We explore the interplay between viscous, gravitational, and capillary forces in flow in porous media, using two different boundary conditions and employing our unique 3D-scanner, based on optical index matching [1]. Our findings are considered in comparison with experiments on 2D systems, investigating how the transitions between flow regimes can be captured by a dimensionless fluctuation...
Continuum scale steady-state two-phase flow in porous media can exhibit non-linear dependence on the pressure gradient, a phenomenon which is incompatible with relative permeability theory [1]. If the flow is immiscible and incompressible, it can be described in terms of a thermodynamic framework by considering averaged quantities through surfaces perpendicular to the overall direction of...
The flow in the subsurface is often dominated by heterogeneities with length scales ranging from micrometres to kilometres. Multiphase fluid flow is traditionally modelled using continuum approaches based on Darcy’s law and macroscopic properties such as relative permeability, capillary pressure, and residual trapping. These properties are upscaled manifestations of pore-scale capillary...
We experimentally identify major preferential paths for emulsion and foam flow, even at steady-state in homogeneous porous media. Therefore, even identical parallel channels cannot be assumed equivalent when emulsion or foam flows through them. This discovery challenges previous approaches that upscale single pore/channel-scale rheology to Darcy-scale simply by linear summation and integration...
Multiphase fluids are common in the subsurface and affect a wide range of natural and engineering process from infrastructure performance above unsaturated soils, to contaminant transport, environmental remediation, oil and gas recovery, and CO2 geological sequestration. The capillary pressure $P_c=κ∙γ cosθ$ between two immiscible fluids is proportional to the interfacial tension $γ$, the...
One of the main reasons for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) are that to mobilize oil left in the reservoir after primary recovery (depletion by pressure difference solely) and water flooding. However, it might be necessary to expand the infrastructure for certain EOR projects as more wells are required or a different well pattern is necessary. The objective of this study is to investigate the...
Fluid-fluid displacement in porous media is common in many natural and engineering settings. Extensive studies investigated the transition of displacement patterns, but the direct prediction of the displacement efficiency using the pore structure is lacking. Here, we propose a method to directly predict the displacement efficiency with no need of solving the Navier-Stokes and the...
An important part of our cultural heritage, such as artefacts, statues or historical monuments, is exposed to chemical and physical degradation over time. The degradation can lead to fractures and loss of cohesion among the individual particles forming the porous materials used for their construction. Nowadays, the most promising route for consolidation of such weakened porous materials is the...
Low salinity waterflood (LSWF) has proven to be an economic, environmentally friendly IOR method which leads to more oil recovery without adding additional chemicals into water [1-3]. However, the efficacy and the underlying mechanisms are still under debate and many mechanisms are proposed in literature. Many factors are believed to attribute to the additional oil recovery by low salinity...
Spontaneous imbibition is an important mechanism of improving oil recovery in tight reservoir. Oil-water contact angle is one of the most important factors affecting spontaneous imbibition process, but the dynamic change of contact angle during imbibition is ignored in most studies. Considering the dynamic change of contact angle, the flow equation for the oil-water spontaneous imbibition with...
Wettability is a crucial factor for pore-filling events in multiphase flow. If the fluid interface passes an abrupt variation in the cross-section of the porous medium, a sudden redistribution takes place, commonly known as Haines Jump. Different wettabilities of the solid substrate affect the global displacement pattern, the fluid trapping and the hysteretic saturation. Furthermore the effect...
The contribution of pore-scale properties is often neglected in large scale (macro-scale) models describing subsurface fluid processes (1). Pore-scale flow properties, such as wettability have a significant impact on macro-scale flow functions, such as relative permeability, capillary pressure, saturation distribution and displacement efficiency (2). Upscaling multiphase flow from...
Studies on low salinity oil recovery on mostly outcrop rock cores have accelerated in recent years. Detailed focus has been put on understanding competing underlying mechanisms behind observed improved oil recovery. The main aim of this work was to understand how the ionic composition of imbibing brine dictates the wettability change in limestone outcrop cores basing on spontaneous imbibition...