May 30, 2022 to June 2, 2022
Asia/Dubai timezone

Short Courses

Two full-day in-person courses will be given by two of the most eminent scientists in the area of the porous media research.

SHORT COURSE #Blunt: Multiphase Flow in Permeable Media: A Pore-Scale Perspective

SHORT COURSE #Hassanizadeh: Capillarity in Porous Media at Different Scales

Participation to the short courses is in-person only (online participation is not possible).
You have the possibility to register for both courses but also for only one course.
You may register for short courses without registering for the conference.

Use the main registration form to register for short courses.

If you want to register for the Short-Courses ONLY and NOT attend the conference, please make sure to select the following information in the Registration Details section:
•    In-Person Registration: Select "none"
•    Online Registration: Select "none"
•    Conference Participation: Select “I will be attending the conference, but not presenting”


Multiphase Flow in Permeable Media: A Pore-Scale Perspective



Martin Blunt
Imperial College London, UK










Event Date: Sunday, 29 May 2022

Time: 09:00 - 17:00 (1-hour lunch break)

Duration: Full-day

Location: Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Registration Fee: €110 (For InterPore2022 Participants) / €170 (Short-course only)


This course will provide an in-depth description of multiphase flow in porous media with an emphasis on understanding pore-scale phenomena and their implications for storage and recovery processes. The course will start with a review of fundamentals, including wettability, capillarity and multiphase flow, so that the basic physical laws governing flow and transport – at the small scale – are properly understood.  Then the latest developments in imaging and modelling technology will be reviewed.  Attendees will be taught how to apply a knowledge of pore-scale processes to predict flow and trapping with a wide range of applications.

Course Topics:

•    Recap of the fundamentals: wettability, capillary pressure, Darcy’s law, relative permeability and conservation equations
•    Imaging and pore-scale experiments 
•    Displacement processes and link to wettability and multiphase flow. 
•    Three-phase flow 
•    Implications for flow and trapping: design of recovery and storage processes 


Register for this course using the main registration form.


SHORT COURSE #Hassanizadeh 

Capillarity in Porous Media at Different Scales



S. Majid Hassanizadeh
Utrecht University, The Netherlands










Event Date: Friday, 03 June 2022

Time: 09:00 - 18:00 (2-hour lunch break)

Duration: Full-day

Location: Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Registration Fee: €110 (For InterPore2022 Participants) / €170 (Short-course only)


In this short course, a systematic approach is taken to the understanding of capillarity in porous media at different scales. Current definitions of capillary pressure, which are mostly empirical in nature are revisited and it is shown that they are special cases of a more general theory of capillarity. 
First, surface tension and its molecular basis and wettability concepts are introduced. Next, capillary pressure is defined at pore scale based on the equation of momentum conservation for a fluid-fluid interface. It is shown that, even at microscale, capillary pressure is equal to the difference in pressures of the two fluids only under static conditions. General equations for dynamic or non- equilibrium conditions are derived. Then, capillary pressure at the macroscale (Darcy scale) is introduced based on principles of thermodynamics, and its relationship to fluid pressures under static and dynamic conditions is explored. Non-equilibrium capillarity theory and its effects on the modelling of moisture transport and two-phase flow processes are discussed. Computational and experimental studies are presented that investigate new generalized equations in variety of systems.

Course Topics:

  1. Capillarity at pore scale (3 hours)
  2. Capillarity at macroscale; fundamentals (2 hours)
  3. Capillarity at macroscale; computational and experimental studies (2 hours)


Register for this course using the main registration form.
