May 30, 2022 to June 2, 2022
Asia/Dubai timezone

Conference Grant Program

We are pleased to announce that InterPore Foundation for Porous Media Science and Technology (InterPore Foundation) would once again like to offer a number of conference grants to scientists from academic institutions from countries with lower- or middle-income economies, as defined by the World Bank, and to graduate students.

In addition to paying the conference registration fees, the InterPore Foundation will provide up to €500 per recipient to go towards travel costs.

Applicants must have a presentation at the InterPore2022 conference.

Application package should include:

  • a copy of the CV and
  • a statement of justification of no more than 1 A4 page, explaining how presentation in the conference will benefit the applicant's academic development and career.

Students need also to provide a letter of support from supervisor or head of department.

Please send the full application package to no later than Monday, February 28th. 

The grants will be awarded based on applicants' academic attainment and quality of their research abstracts. 

Help InterPore Foundation 

Please consider making a donation to InterPore Foundation in any amount to enable the participation of your fellow researchers.

Your generous support will help students and scientists, who would not otherwise be able to attend InterPore2022, gain experience and exposure and build their scientific network at an international conference. The number of grants we can provide is dependent on the donations of people like you

For the last annual conference, InterPore2021, twenty-six participants were offered a grant, this year our goal is to do even better! 

Below you can see quotes from a few of the grants recipients and how the donations made a true difference!

"Financial support for people from developing countries is essential for their participation in conferences as renowned as the 2021 InterPore Conference. This allows, despite the difficulties faced in times of insecurity, to keep alive the academic ties necessary for the development of quality research - albeit remotely and virtually. With this, researchers who would not have the opportunity to participate in an event with such academic-scientific diversity can make excellent use of funding, improving the quality of the event and their communities of origin. I am grateful for being selected to receive a conference grant.
-Arthur Miranda, 2021 InterPore Foundation Conference Grant Recipient
"I would like like to express my gratitude for receiving the InterPore2021 conference grant from InterPore Foundation. It was an excellent grant that made my participation possible in this great conference of porous media lovers. The grant brings equity to researchers from different locations in favor of science.  I could present my research achievements and be in touch with many other excellent professionals, building a strong and connected community. As a member of the Student Affairs Committee of InterPore, the grant also allowed me to be close to the audience for which we organized the career and the social events. I am pleased with the InterPore2021 conference grant and hope to continue contributing to the growth of the porous media community. Thank you very much!! " 
-Nara Brandão, 2021 InterPore Foundation Conference Grant Recipient
"The InterPore2021 grant helped me to present my work with various researchers who also study the porous media in particular, along with being able to get familiar with their line of work. In addition thanks to the great InterPore network and it's practical platform (whova) we were able to seek the studies even before the presentations were started and this gave us the chance to get the most out of each other's studies. Furthermore, the conference was the reason to receive some Emails from journals to reveal their passion to publish our future studies. Again let me thank you and all the people involved in InterPore2021 for considering me worthy to give me such a memorable chance." 
-Milad Shirbani, 2021 InterPore Foundation Conference Grant Recipient
Steffen Berg, Chair of InterPore Foundation (first from left), conference grant recipients, and Florian Doster, Chair of Student Awards and Grants subcommittee (far right), at InterPore2019