InterPore will honor scientists who have won recent InterPore awards and those who have made major contributions to InterPore activities during the past year.
The following awards will be presented at the InterPore Gala Dinner on Wednesday, 01 June:
- InterPore Meritorious Service Medal recognizes individuals for exceptional, prolonged, impactful, and meaningful services to the Society.
- Honorary Lifetime Membership Award is reserved for individuals who have made extraordinary contributions to porous media science and technology, who are world renowned in the porous media community, and whose contributions are consistent with the aims and ideals of InterPore.
- Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lectureship Award. The InterPore Kimberly-Clark Distinguished Lecturer on Porous Media Science & Technology will share a topic relevant to the industrial porous media community through a series of lectures at various member and non-member organizations.
- InterPore Medal for Porous Media Research given in recognition of excellent research in general porous media, with emphasis on research conducted over the past 10 years.
- InterPore Award for Porous Media Research given to mid-career researchers in recognition of outstanding research in general porous media, with emphasis on research conducted over the past 5 years.
- InterPore PoreLab Award for Young Researchers given to a young researcher in recognition of outstanding contributions in the field of porous media from a fundamental point of view.
- Rien van Genuchten Early Career Award is given to an early-career researcher whose focus is the general topic of “porous media research for a green world”.
- InterPore Rosettes for individuals who have made very significant contributions to InterPore activities during the previous year.
- InterPore National Chapter Award
The MDPI Energies Student Poster Award will be awarded to two poster presenters during the closing ceremony on Thursday, 02 June.