14–17 May 2018
New Orleans
US/Central timezone

Information-theoretic approach to conductivity upscaling

14 May 2018, 14:43
New Orleans

New Orleans

Oral 20 Minutes MS 1.16: Heterogeneity, uncertainty, and multiple scales in groundwater problems Parallel 2-H


Dr Francesca Boso (Stanford University)


Model improvement by conditioning on data collected at multiple scales remains a challenge in complex settings. We employ an information-theoretic approach that allows for seamless integration of multi-resolution data into multi-scale simulations to upscale conductivity of heterogeneous formations. Fine-scale information is summarized into a coarse scale representation by setting a probabilistic equivalence between the fine and the coarse scale, with parameters that are determined via minimization of observables error and mutual information across scales.

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Primary authors

Prof. Daniel Tartakovsky (Stanford University) Dr Francesca Boso (Stanford University)

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