May 14 – 17, 2018
New Orleans
US/Central timezone

Oral Session Guidelines

There are a number of different types of oral presentations, please read the instructions below relating to your type.

For all presenters:

  1. Please ensure you stay on time. We have a full program and any overruns mean other presenters will have less time. Electronic presentation timers will be used to help speakers and session chairs stay on time. Remember to leave time for questions.
  2. Preferred slide layout is 16:9 aspect ratio
  3. Please ensure your presentation is on our system prior to going to the room, presentations via USB or laptop cannot be accepted in the presentation room.
  4. Presentations should be named in the following format: sessionNumber_timeOfPresentation_lastNameOfPresenter (for example parallel5F_1455_wang.pptx). The session number and time can be found by searching for your name under the “speaker list” link on the website.
  5. You can upload your presentation before the conference or on site in the speaker-ready room.
  6. If you change your presentation, please re-upload it. The last file you upload will be used.

For parallel session presenters:

  1. You have 15 minutes to speak and 3 minutes for questions.
  2. Please introduce yourself to the session chair at the beginning of the session.

For poster pitch presenters:

  1. You have 2 minutes to speak and 1 minute to handover.
  2. Please prepare to go to the podium while the previous speaker is talking.

For invited speakers:

  1. You have 25 minutes to speak and five minutes for questions.

For plenary speakers:

  1. You have 35 minutes to speak and ten minutes for questions.
  2. Your audience will be the entire InterPore audience rather than a narrow group of experts you might expect in a topical minisymposium. Please design your talk so that it introduces us to the broad challenges in your area of expertise, more so than detailed research advances.