May 14 – 17, 2018
New Orleans
US/Central timezone

Presentation upload

Some presenters may wish to submit slides for oral or poster-pitch presentations ahead of time, particularly for Monday morning presentations.  If you wish to submit your talk in advance, please use the following instructions.

1.      Find out what parallel session your talk is in. (From the InterPore 2018 homepage, select “Speaker List” and search your name, click on your title, and look in the gold box on the upper right.  For instance search for Nicholas Skrivanos to see he is in Parallel 5-D).

2.      Find your presentation time on the same page (on the left just under the title).

3.      Name your file using sessionNumber_timeOfPresentation_lastNameOfPresenter. (For instance: parallel5D_1652_Skrivanos.pptx)

4.      Email your file to

5.      Once you are in New Orleans, please visit the speaker-ready room to confirm your presentation has been uploaded.