14–17 May 2018
New Orleans
US/Central timezone

Registration and Fees



Please note: 

The registration can be cancelled until March 21, 2018. A refund of 80% of the original registration fee less bank charges and outstanding payments will be given. After March 21, no refund will be given. However, one may transfer the registration to someone else. In that case, an administration fee equivalent to 10% of the original fee will be charged. If the registrant is not able to travel due to visa refusal, upon presenting proof of refusal, a refund of 90% less bank charges will be given. After April 30th, no refund can be given.

One can request changes to the registration, but InterPore reserves the right to decide on an individual basis whether the request can be accepted and under which conditions.

Requests for cancellations or changes to registration must be sent by e-mail to secretary@interpore.org.


Registration Fees

InterPore has been able to keep registration fees approximately the same as for the 2017 conference, despite moving from a 3.5 day to a four-day format.  Full-meeting registration includes a reception on Monday, Gala Dinner on Wednesday, and informal lunches on all four days. 

Registration fees are shown below. All prices are in USD. The deadline for Early-Bird registration is March 7, 2018.

  Early Bird Regular
Academic Members   $575  $675
Academic Nonmembers   $650  $775
Student Members   $350  $400
Student Nonmembers   $400  $475
Industry Members (SME1)   $675  $800
Industry Nonmembers (SME1)   $770  $920
Industry Members (non-SME1)   $825  $1000
Industry Nonmembers (non-SME1)   $1050  $1300

Single Day

Single-day registration will also be available for a fee of 390(academic)or480* (industry SME), or $720* (industry non-SME). For single-day registrants, conference dinner tickets must be purchased separately if they wish to attend.

*Early bird prices. They will be + 20% after March 14


Conference attendees can bring an accompanying person to the dinner for a fee.  This will be 75 Eur or 85 USD.


Reservations for conference hotels can be made under the “Hotels” link.

1.   SME definition: a) maximum number of employees is 250 and b) turnover is less than 50 MEuro or balance sheet total is less than 43 MEuro.

Conference grants and Students Travel Awards

Deadline for applications for the conference grants expired on Feb 10, 2018

InterPore Foundation for Porous Media Science and Technology (InterPore Foundation) is providing a limited number of conference grants for participants from academic institutions from countries with lower- or middle-income economies, as defined by the World Bank. The conference grants are in the form of a conference registration fee waiver. Also, travel Awards are made available to help some students gain the experience and exposure that comes from attending and presenting at InterPore conferences. The travel awards are intended to help students defray some of the costs of their attendance. See the Newsletter for details.