14–17 May 2018
New Orleans
US/Central timezone

Microfluidic Evaluation of the Effects of Wettability on Two-Fluid Flow in Porous Media

16 May 2018, 17:15
New Orleans

New Orleans

Poster MS 1.10: Visualizing and understanding multiphase flow through microfluidic and micromodel devices Poster 3


Kelsey Bruning (University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill)


Subsurface systems are well known to have variations in wettability. Evolving models to describe such systems must be evaluated and validated, and highly resolved experimental observations can play a central role in this endeavor. Quantities such as interfacial areas and curvatures are examples of quantities that are not often measured in high resolution as a function of wettability. Displacement experiments for two-fluid-flow through microfluidic cells with a controlled wettability are reported and saturations, interfacial areas, and curvatures are examined in high resolution and time scales. The relaxation to an equilibrium state is quantified and shown to be long compared to the typical duration of such experiments.

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Primary authors

Kelsey Bruning (University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill) Sarah Kalkowski (University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill) Cass T. Miller (University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill)

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