We consider the flow of dilute polymer solution through model porous media consisting of an array of cylinders. Our recent results (Mokhtari et al. 2022) demonstrate that birefringent strands are key in understanding viscoelastic effects in such systems. These strands act as a distribution of tangential forces that reduce the velocity in their vicinity and induce a complete reorganization of...
Many energy, environmental, industrial, and microfluidic processes rely on the viscous flow of polymer solutions through porous media. In many cases, the macroscopic flow resistance abruptly increases above a threshold flow rate in a porous medium—but not in bulk solution. The reason why has been a puzzle for over half a century. Here, by directly visualizing the flow in a transparent...
Capillary imbibition is a major process that controls many transport phenomena in porous media for many applications. In the countercurrent case, the process may be represented as the solution of a strongly non-linear diffusion equation $\partial S(x, t)/\partial t = \nabla . [D(S(x, t)) \nabla S (x, t)]$ in which S(x, t) denotes the wetting fluid saturation at position x at time t. The...
The flow of viscoelastic polymer solutions and their use as displacing agents in porous media are important for industrial applications, such as enhanced oil recovery and soil remediation. Complexity of flow and high elasticity of conventionally used viscoelastic polymer solutions can lead to purely elastic instability in porous media. In this work, we study the impact of elastic instability...
We study the evolution of an immiscible two-phase flow system in a porous material for which one of the two phases is a non-Newtonian fluid. In particular, we are interested in analyzing the displacement of a non-Newtonian fluid in a porous medium by invasion of a Newtonian fluid, and examining the spatial and temporal evolution of the interface separating the two phases. Simulations were...
The moisture condition in concretes is closely related to their durability. Liquid water is the intermedia for the penetration of aggressive agents (e.g., chloride). The empty pores provide paths for the diffusion of gases (e.g., CO2). These processes can lead to concrete deterioration or steel corrosion. Therefore, appropriate methods to determine moisture state in concrete are essential for...