Micro-computed tomography (MCT) and Digital rock physics (DRP) have been at the forefront of geoscience research efforts in recent years as a result of huge advancements in imaging techniques and computing power. This advancement renders the visualization, characterization of petrophysical properties, and simulation of flow and solute transport in intricate permeable media possible....
For the safe underground storage of radioactive waste, it is crucial to carefully determine the porosity of the host rock as pores control all of its physical properties, such as the essential low permeability. Specialized scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is an established method in the analysis of Opalinus Clay and used in many studies, e.g. [Houben et al., 2013], [Laurich et al., 2018],...
Pore-scale imaging and modeling have advanced crucially through the integration of machine learning (ML) with imaging techniques. These integrated image analysis workflows can accelerate the mineral characterization of a given geological sample. The obtained parameters such as porosity, mineral composition, mineral accessible surface area data, and segmented mineral map are utilized to...
Estimating multiphase flow properties from Special Core scale Analysis (SCAL) has been extensively applied to obtain multiphase flow parameters representing the reservoir scale. Core flooding experimental data can also be used to investigate the mechanisms of more complex multiphase flow systems such as modified salinity water flooding, which has been shown to increase the oil recovery in...
In recent years, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have experienced an increasing interest for fast approximations of effective hydrodynamic parameters in porous media research. In this talk, we present a novel approach to improve permeability predictions from micro-CT scans of geological rock samples.
A well-known method to enhance the quality of CNN predictions is the supply of...
The trade-off between the field of view (FOV) and the resolution of micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) is a hardware bottleneck that limits the capturing of both heterogeneity and micro-structure detail for analysis and modelling. Rather than choosing between high resolution or wide FOV, efficient super resolution methods can achieve both, while efficient modelling methods permit full...
Numerical simulation of multiphase flow in porous media is essential for many geoscience applications. However, these numerical simulations are often very time-consuming and computationally intensive since they require fine spatial and temporal discretization to accurately capture the flow processes. Data-driven machine learning methods can provide faster alternatives to traditional simulators...
We propose a unified data-driven reduced order model (ROM) that bridges the performance gap between linear and nonlinear manifold approaches. Deep learning ROM (DL-ROM) using autoencoders has been shown to capture non-linear solution manifolds but fails to perform adequately when linear subspace approaches such as proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) would be optimal [1]. Specifically, the...
The effective dispersion coefficient is a key parameter for characterizing the transport capability of porous media. This coefficient depends not only on the pore-scale geometry but also the macroscale flow conditions and is traditionally expensive to compute as it requires the solution to a partial differential equation (PDE). In this work, a physics-enhanced Convolutional Neural Network...
Traditional physics-simulation based approaches for inverse modeling and forecasting in large-scale subsurface flow and transport problems, e.g., geologic CO2 sequestration, is a very time consuming process. In this work, we developed a deep learning assisted workflow to speed up this process. First, we developed a deep learning model to predict the pressure/saturation evolution in large-scale...
Production optimization plays an extremely significant role in closed-loop management of reservoirs, affecting the sustainability and profitability of reservoir development directly. Due to the uncertainty of geological structure and the complexity of multiphase flow, traditional physics-based numerical simulator methods tend to suffer from insufficient calculation accuracy and excessive...
The remaining oil distribution plays an important role in enhanced oil recovery (EOR), which directly guides the development of an oil reservoir in the middle and later stages. However, it is still challenging to accurately and efficiently characterize the distribution of remaining oil due to the complex reservoir geology. We propose a data-driven physics-informed interpolation evolution...
Fine-scale discrete fracture simulations provide a natural means to model fluid flows in fractured reservoirs. However, an application of discrete fracture modeling on the field scale is challenging due to uncertainties in fractures' properties, difficulties in creating conforming meshes, and the computational complexity of fluid flow simulations. Upscaling of flows in fracture networks has...
Abstract— Several empirical or theoretical models have been proposed in the literature to predict or correlate porosity and permeability [1] and other reservoir-based properties, their generalizability is still quite prohibitive [2]. This is because several reservoir property relationships are highly complex and nonlinear. Properties such as permeability cannot accurately be estimated using...
Determining porous media physical properties, like permeability and capillary pressure, in heterogeneous porous media, like carbonate rock, is one of the most challenging tasks for scientists in the digital rock physics domain. One of these challenges is the untangling of the heterogeneous texture. Another challenge is the image's resolution, which controls the visible details of the texture....
A reformulation of the ensemble Kalman filter is presented in which the updating step is changing from a linear combination of discrepancies between observed and predicted state variables onto a random forest regressor. The method is demonstrated in a synthetic aquifer and the advantage of the new formulation is discussed.
Research financed by grant PID2019-109131RB-I00 funded by...
The segmentation of images obtained from different imaging techniques, such as X-ray computed microtomography (μCT) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), is a critical step towards quantitatively describing various features of geomaterials. In this work we evaluate the capability of convolution neural networks (CNNs) to segment both μCT and focused ion beam-SEM (FIB-SEM) images. The...
Physics-based modeling of a reservoir can suffer from several uncertainties as in the constitutive modeling, the choice of model parameters, or geometrical representation of the physical asset, just to mention a few. Yet, it allows for explicitly incorporating fundamental principles of physics, as conservation laws. On the other hand, data (as long as available and sufficient) may assist in...
Various rocks such as carbonate, coal or shale contain both micro- and macro-pores. To accurately predict the fluid flow and mechanical properties of these porous media, a multi-scale characterization of the pore space is of key importance. Hybrid superposition methods perform well in such multi-scale reconstructions, however, input images with two resolutions (high and low) and different...
Stylolites are natural rock-rock interlocked interfaces that may produce spectacular rough patterns in formation rocks [1]. They form by a localized dissolution process, and their interface contains minerals at concentrations different from that in surrounding host rocks. The presence of stylolites, with various amounts of clays, may affect fluid flow in hydrocarbon formations or...
Abstract: A method is proposed to solve incompressible two-phase seepage equation in porous media, based on the Physical-informed Neural Networks(PINN) combined with the Implicit Pressure Explicit Saturation method(IMPES method). Different from the conventional PINN model, this approach implicitly solves the pressure field and then explicitly solves the saturation field by combining the...
The prediction of multi-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media traditionally relies on physics-based numerical simulation with high computational costs. Due to the intrinsic heterogeneity of porous media and the non-linearity of the governing partial differential equations (PDEs), high fidelity simulation models can lead to solving expensive large-scale system of equations, which can be...
We present a machine learning strategy for accelerating the nonlinear solver convergence for multiphase porous media flow problems. The presented approach dynamically controls an acceleration method based on numerical relaxation. The methodology is implemented and demonstrated in a Picard iterative solver; however, it can also be used with other types of nonlinear solvers. The goal of the...
The modelling of transport in porous media is of great interest in many fields of application in chemical and environmental engineering, such as packed bed chemical reactors, underground transport of contaminants or carbon capture and storage. Flow and transport in porous media are a multiscale phenomenon, in fact, both microscale and macroscale affect the transport properties of interest. We...
Reactive transport models (RTM), which couple geochemical reactions with solute, water and heat transport, are extensively used in a broad range of geoscientific applications related to e.g. Oil & Gas, Carbon Capture & Storage, Mining and Nuclear Waste Management. Despite being powerful tools, RTM often require significantly large computational times, which means that massively parallel...
The current conceptual model of mineral dissolution in porous media is comprised of three dissolution patterns (wormhole, compact, and uniform) - or regimes - that develop depending on the relative dominance of flow, molecular diffusion and reaction rate during dissolution. Here, we examine the evolution of pore structure during acid injection using our new fast numerical simulator GeoChemFoam...
This is a joint work with P. Gavrilenko, D.Fokina, P. Toktaliev (Fraunhofer ITWM), M. Ohlberger, F. Schindler (University of Muenster), B. Haasdonk, T. Wenzel, M. Youssef (University of Stuttgart) and I.Oseledets (Skoltech).
Reactive transport in porous media in connection with catalytic reactions is the basis for many industrial processes and systems, such as fuel cells, photovoltaic cells...