Experimental and theoretical research has shown that several factors influence the elastic properties of fluids confined in nanopores [1,2]. Previous experimental studies on the longitudinal modulus of confined fluids were mostly limited to the adsorbate argon. Here we study the longitudinal modulus of liquid nitrogen in the nanopores of Vycor glass at various temperatures using ultrasonic...
There has been a long-standing concern with the estimation of permeability, particularly in tight carbonate reservoirs. So far, scholars have proposed several empirical correlations for permeability assessment, but the need for a correlation to provide reliable predictions for tight carbonate reservoirs is still felt. In this study, we aim to present a correlation for permeability estimation,...
Salt water is ubiquitous in nature (e.g. geomaterials, soil, clouds formation) and in technology (e.g. desalination, concrete weathering, heritage conservation). In most of these situations, salt water is confined within a porous medium, often with pores down to the nanometer scale: for example, crystallization and dissolution cycles induced by humidity changes are known to induce structural...
The thermodynamic characteristics of water confined inside a nano-mineral pore differs from the bulk properties because of the competition between water-water and wall-water attractions near the solid walls. We used molecular dynamic (MD) simulation, to capture the influence of the solid walls of a slit shape calcite nanopore on the confined water provided in different widths namely 2 nm, 3...
Phase behavior of confined fluids may deviate significantly from that of the bulk fluid due to the fluid-walls interactions being a significant portion of all intermolecular interactions under confinement. There are recent advancements in understanding confined phase behavior of pure species, confined phase behavior of mixtures remains an understudied topic. In this work, we examine the...
Transport and dynamics of fluids in nanoporous networks play a significant role in many applications of porous materials, most notably catalysis, separation and adsorption technologies. Yet, direct experimental measurements of such phenomena at a pore-scale/microscopic level is challenging and key parameters such as diffusion or adsorption coefficients are often extrapolated using indirect...
Porous silicon provides a scaffold structure to study the confinement related effects of soft matter. We investigate the electro-sorption of electrolyte anions and the electrochemical behaviour of nanoporous silicon in acidic electrolytes. The silicon-electrolyte interface acts as a capacitor which allows the accumulation of electrolyte anions in a chemical double layer by an applied voltage,...
Nanoporous materials have been commonly utilized in drug delivery platforms due to their large specific surface area for higher loading capacity and tunable morphology for controlling drug release profile. In these platforms with large surface area, the interfacial phenomena (surface-molecule interactions) play a significant role in dictating loading capacity and release kinetics. In a...
Shortcomings in the water management of polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFC) need to be overcome for successful market penetration. Proper membrane humidification relies on ionomer hydration, which in turn affects the performance. In contrast, excess water retention in the pores results in blockage of the gas diffusion to the active sites of the electrochemical reaction, thus reducing...
Nowadays, cement-based materials are widely used, whether in construction or even in the conditioning of radioactive waste. However, the performance of these materials could be substantially affected by the penetration of water. Indeed, the infiltration of water facilitate the ingression of aggressive agents such as Cl, CO2, etc. and can cause many types of degradation such as chloride...
The evaporation of water from a bare soil can be accompanied by the formation of a layer of crystallized salt. This salt crust forms an additional porous layer that affects the evaporation of water in a counter-intuitive way: depending on the conditions (i.e. depending on the pore size of the crust, soil-crust connection, external atmospheric conditions), the crust can hinder or enhance the...
The exploration and development of shale gas require accurate characterization of shale samples and modeling of gas flow. Digital rocks have been widely used to characterize the shale samples, predict their petrophysical properties, and understand the pore-scale transport mechanisms in micrometer and nanometer pore systems. Previous studies from numerous geologists have indicated that the...
An unconventional reservoir is a multiscale system in which pores with the size of several nanometers can reach 80% of the total pore volume. [1]. Traditional methods of production processes modeling based on the Navier-Stokes equation, which describes the behavior of a continuous medium, are not suitable for this case, since they do not consider the molecular interactions of fluid and rock....
The traditional theory of spontaneous imbibition is fluid displacement caused by capillary force. However, the imbibition of fracturing fluid in shale reservoir is not only related to capillary force, but also affected by osmotic pressure. Shale pores are in micro/nano scale and have high clay content. Clay is mainly distributed on the pore wall, and can act as a semi-permeable membrane when...