Despite a long research history, we do not fully understand why plants are able to transport sap under negative pressure without constant interruption by microbubbles. The hydraulic transport system of plants is composed of macroporous conduits, which are interconnected by mesoporous cell walls in the xylem tissue. Moreover, the concentration of dissolved gas in xylem sap is traditionally assumed to follow Henry’s law. Here, we investigated to what extent xylem sap of well-watered Citrus plants includes dissolved gas, and which parameters affect gas solubility. Direct measurements of the gas concentration in the aqueous phase of xylem were obtained by extracting gas from plants under varying air temperature and xylem water potentials, and then compared to data based on a gas diffusion model. Our results indicated that gas concentrations in xylem ranged by at least 5% compared to the expected solubility in water, and was higher when water potential decreased during transpiration. The modelled gas concentration in xylem sap based on Henry’s law for an anisobaric situation did not explain the measurements, including daily changes in gas concentrations. Instead, our data revealed dynamic changes in dissolved gas concentration in xylem and gas oversolubility in confined liquids, with a possible role of xylem sap surfactants for acting as diffusion barriers. The capacity of plants to transport sap with high amounts of dissolved gas could provide conduits an important buffering characteristic to prevent hydraulic failure through bubble nucleation under varying internal pressure and temperature. Therefore, dynamic changes in dissolved gas provide novel evidence to answer the longstanding question of how plants can transport xylem sap under negative pressure.
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Country | Germany |
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