30 May 2022 to 2 June 2022
Asia/Dubai timezone

Laboratory-Scale Investigation of Secondary Sulfate Precipitation in Marcellus and Wolfcamp Shales

30 May 2022, 12:05
Oral Presentation (MS08) Mixing, dispersion and reaction processes across scales in heterogeneous and fractured media MS08


Asli Gundogar (Postdoctoral Scholar)


Geochemical changes in fractured shales may influence long-term production efficiency. The complex composition and morphology of shale minerals and formation brine composition as well as stimulation fluid make the interpretation of shale-fluid interactions very challenging. Reaction-induced evolution of shale fabric, pore water, and the associated evolution of porosity and permeability alteration remain unclear. There is a need for further investigation to improve recovery and environmental sustainability. In this reactive flow-through study, multi-instrument (X-ray computed tomography (CT) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM)) imaging from nm’s to cm’s together with mineral surface (energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS)), and time-resolved fluid analysis (inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)) were employed for a comprehensive evaluation of the shale-brine-fracture fluid interactions. The study cores were from Marcellus and Wolfcamp formations, that are major contributors to US gas and oil supply. According to quantitative X-ray diffraction and EDS analysis, both samples have a clay-rich mineralogy (over 30.8 wt%) and a small carbonate content (less than 5 wt%). Lab-generated brine and fracture fluid (pH 2) solutions were sequentially injected under confining stress (up to 500 psi) at reservoir temperature (80°C). This experimental study simulated deeper matrix zones with mostly microcracks away from the main fractures where the flow rate is much slower (below 0.02 mL/min) than the vicinity of the main flow channels. For the Marcellus sample, synthetic brine was used that mimics the basin-specific formation brine composition, while the reactive fluid was formulated based on field-based stimulation fluid with typical industrial additives. For the Wolfcamp sample, actual cleaned brine from the Permian Basin of Texas was used as the formation water and as the base fluid of the HCl-acidified fracture fluid without additives. After reactive flooding occurred, the permeability and fracture porosity values of both cores decreased significantly. Based on the SEM-EDS data, barite crystals were prominent throughout the reacted MSEEL inlet, outlet, and crack surfaces. Barite was attributed to the mixing of Ba-rich brine solution with fracture fluid, including persulfate-containing breakers. Time-resolved ICP curves revealed that barite formation occurred as soon as the fracture fluid mixed with the resident brine and continued until dissolved Ba was consumed. Similarly, secondary strontium sulfate precipitates were evident on the reacted Wolfcamp surfaces as well-formed euhedral crystals and concentrated adjacent to the microcracks and grew along the microcrack surfaces. This intense interaction of the shale surfaces with the injected fluids leads to large, impermeable precipitates that plug and seal fractures thereby reducing permeability, preventing reactive fluid from passing through the inner matrix layers, and inhibiting recovery from the deeper zones. These findings provide direct experimental confirmation under in situ conditions of sulfate scale formation, particularly near microcracks that are suspected to be critical in productivity of fractured shale wells. These observations provide data crucial to help producers develop scale mitigation methods by optimizing the stimulation fluid compositions and produced water treatment practices.

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Country Turkey
MDPI Energies Student Poster Award No, do not submit my presenation for the student posters award.
Time Block Preference Time Block A (09:00-12:00 CET)
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Primary author

Asli Gundogar (Postdoctoral Scholar)


Dr Adam Jew (SLAC) Dr John R. Bargar (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) Anthony Kovscek (Stanford University)

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