14โ€“17 May 2018
New Orleans
US/Central timezone


Parallel 1-E

Parallel 1-E
14 May 2018, 09:45
New Orleans

New Orleans

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Nicolas Sobecki
Use of molecular simulations to fit EOS in confined space in order to perform large scale tight oil and shale gas reservoir simulations
New Orleans
09:47 - 10:02
Prof. Rui Qiao
Storage and recovery of multi-component mixtures in single shale pores
New Orleans
10:05 - 10:20
Mr Zheng Li
Molecular dynamics study of the occurrence states of gas-water mixtures near the organic solid in shale reservoirs
New Orleans
10:23 - 10:38
Coffee break
New Orleans
10:39 - 10:59
Bo Guo
An Image-based Micro-continuum Pore-scale Model for Gas Transport in Organic-rich Shale
New Orleans
11:00 - 11:15
Dr Tianhao Wu
Efficient molecular simulations of binary gas mixture transport in slit nanopores
New Orleans
11:18 - 11:33
Mr Fengyang Xiong
Effects of Composition on Canister Desorption Behavior of Upper Paleozoic Shales in the Ordos Basin, NW China
New Orleans
11:36 - 11:51
Dr Stephane TESSON
Sorption of Methane and Carbon Dioxide in Type II-A Kerogen Rough Slit Nanopores by Molecular Simulations
New Orleans
11:54 - 12:09
Empty oral slot
New Orleans
12:12 - 12:27