14–17 May 2018
New Orleans
US/Central timezone


Parallel 8-H

Parallel 8-H
16 May 2018, 14:35
New Orleans

New Orleans

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Filip Formalik (Group of Bioprocess and Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Chemistry, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Department of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Funcamental Problems of Technology, Wrocław University of Science and Technology)
16/05/2018, 16:52
MS 2.15: Modelling and Simulation of Porous Media: From Microstructure to Functionality
Poster + 3 Minute Pitch

Low frequency lattice vibrations (<100 cm-2) are indicators of variety of structural transformations in the metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) [1]. In the case of zeolitic imidazole frameworks (ZIFs) ZIF-4, ZIF-7 and ZIF-8, the terahertz vibrations which are responsible for such phenomena as gate opening mechanism, shear-induced deformations or breathing. ZIFs are promising materials not only for...

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