14โ€“17 May 2018
New Orleans
US/Central timezone


Parallel 4-D

Parallel 4-D
15 May 2018, 11:15
New Orleans

New Orleans

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Jiangjin Liu
Bridging Micro and Nano Scales in Fuel Cell Electrodes Using Multi-modal Imaging and Scale-Bridging Modeling
New Orleans
11:17 - 11:32
Mr Shereef Bankole
Maximising information on mudrock microstructure through high-resolution scanning electron microscopy
New Orleans
11:35 - 11:50
Dr Elsa Vennat
Correlative microscopy approach to mix different scales in the porous dentin material
New Orleans
11:53 - 12:08
Mr Di Chai
A Unified Viscous-Diffusion Layered Model of Non-ideal Rarefied Gas Flow in Micro- and Nanoscale Porous Media
New Orleans
12:11 - 12:26
Laura Dalton
Manual and Automated In Situ Contact Angle Measurements of scCO2 and Brine in Sandstone Cores Using Micro-CT Imaging - A Correlation to Pore Connectivity
New Orleans
12:29 - 12:44