The oil displacement effect of polymer flooding is mainly governed by the rheological property of polymer in the deep reservoir, while the mechanical degradation is one of the key factors affecting its rheological properties [1]. Polymer molecular chains can be mechanically degraded in shear flow and extensional flow, which both involves in the flow through a porous medium. Mechanical...
We describe recent advances in pore scale dynamics direct numerical simulation. The Volume of Fluid method associaed with well-balanced surface tension methods allows for the simulation of low capillary numbers. Further progress should involve thin film and corner flow formation, contact line dynamics and efficient combinations of parallelism and grid adaptation.
This ensemble of...
Among the known EOR techniques which have been investigated and tested during last decades the solvent injection proved to reach one of the best recovery factors. From the other side the solvent retention problem makes it relatively expensive and thus less attractive. So the successful practical application of solvent having only an active EOR agent has not been frequently reported.
Unconventional plays like the Bakken petroleum system (BPS) are the main reason behind the U.S. oil and gas industry renaissance during the last decade. In that period, more than 10,000 wells have been drilled in the Bakken alone, most of them targeting low or ultralow permeability strata. While the hydrocarbon in-place estimates are in the order of hundreds of billions of barrels, most...
A new technology is proposed, which consists of injecting H2, CO2 and bacteria into aquifers or depleted gas/oil reservoirs in order to convert them into methane. The conversion occurs by means of bacteria, which use hydrogen and carbon dioxide for their respiratory metabolism. The product of this bio-chemical activity is methane. Thus, we deal with the creation of the artificial reservoirs of...
Along with significant incentives to extract oil and gas from deep and unconventional resources, significant challenges exist in developing advanced technologies while being environmentally responsible. In this context, wellbore leakage and plugging is one of the key concerns that can affect both performance and environment. A similar leakage issue also relates to underground carbon storage...
Extensive Study of cement additive Gilsonite and its applicability to plug and abandonment application in the gulf of Mexico
Deepwater horizon/Macondo event, which occurred on April 20, 2010, was one of the most catastrophic scenario in the United States deep waters. After that situation, regulations for drilling and completion projects became more rigorous and worst-case discharge calculations are mandatory as part of an Oil Spill Response Plan.
Drilling projects in deep water offshore is a huge investment for a...
Setting a formation to formation cement plug in a well needing to be abandoned is a necessity, and the number of wells where this operation will have to be carried out increases each year in the North Sea. Paradoxically, where the mechanical and hydraulic integrity of this barrier matters most is also where these plugs are potentially weakest with today's placement methods. This is in the...
Studying the two phase flow model is of a great importance. It occurs in many fields of engineering such as oil recovery, the storage of nuclear wastes and the remedy of the groundwater infected naps. The mathematical formulation of this problem includes nonlinear partial differential equations. Moreover, various numerical investigations have been the object of the approximation of these...
In areas contaminated by the petroleum industry, persistent compounds such as polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are often accumulated in the porous matrixes of sediments and soils (S&S), implicating risks to ecosystems and human health since these contaminants are released over time to interstitial and surrounding water. Pore size distributions (PSD) and PAH binding strengths to sorption sites...