Presentation materials
The Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) is currently engaged in the construction and development of Sirius, the largest and most complex scientific infrastructure ever built in Brazil and one of the first 4th-generation Synchrotron Light Sources in the World. Its ultra-low emittance (0.28 nm.rad) and high brightness will allow the execution of very competitive experiments, opening...
Pressure-driven flow within the plane of a confined thin porous medium takes place in a number of natural and industrial processes. This includes flow during manufacturing of fibre reinforced polymer composites with liquid moulding processes, passive mixing in microfluidic systems and paper making. The thin porous media considered here is a simplified, well-structured model of a porous media...
Numerical simulations of injection of CO2sc or of a mixture (aqueous solution + CO2sc) in sandstone cores were carried out. These preliminary numerical tests have twofold targets: i) helping for designing lab experiments and to anticipate the experimental behaviors of such complex systems and ii) to explore complex conditions (flow-pressure-temperature-salinity) that could not be easily...
The effective mineral surface area is often the least well constrained variable in the prediction of geochemical reaction rates and, therefore, poses a large uncertainty when modelling reactive-transport in porous rocks. The mineral surface area is often estimated using a combination of microscopic and spectroscopic techniques or using disaggregated sediment in dissolution experiments. Both...
Thermally induced cracks can be created when cold fluid contacts a higher-temperature rock. When rock is dry, it first contracts locally near the fluid/rock interface and then fractures in dominantly in tensile mode. However, when rock is saturated or partially saturated with water, the pore water in a rock complicates the behaviors because expanding freezing pore water may interact with...
Wettability is a major factor that controls the evolution of interfaces during immiscible fluid displacement from a permeable medium. Three dimensional imaging by ultrafast X-ray tomography allows us to investigate the morphology at different wetting conditions and relate it to the prevalent pore-scale process. In this study we focus on the evolution of the fluid interfaces in random piles of...
Enhanced oil recovery testing often relys on either a sand pack filled with sand or use Berea sandstone that doesnโt take into account the full range of petrophysical properties of the actual reservoir. Among the most important reservoir petrophysical properties are the particle sizes and their distribution that serves as the key parameter that influences strongly other key petrophysical...