14โ€“17 May 2018
New Orleans
US/Central timezone


Parallel 1-A

Parallel 1-A
14 May 2018, 09:45
New Orleans

New Orleans

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Quanlin ZHOU
Modeling CO2 Storage in Fractured Reservoirs: Fracture-Matrix Interactions of Supercritical and Dissolved CO2
New Orleans
09:45 - 10:00
Dr Ioannis Zacharoudiou
The impact of drainage displacement patterns and Haines jumps on CO2 storage efficiency
New Orleans
10:05 - 10:20
Prof. Layachi Hadji
Modeling the dissolution-driven convection as a Rayleigh-Benard problem
New Orleans
10:23 - 10:38
Coffee break
New Orleans
10:39 - 10:59
Yiheng Tao
Vertically-Integrated Dual-Continuum Models for CO2 Injection in Fractured Saline Aquifers
New Orleans
11:00 - 11:15
Mr Taehyung Park
Modification of wettability and interfacial tension by biosurfactant-producing bacteria for geologic carbon storage
New Orleans
11:18 - 11:33
Samuel Jackson
The impact of heterogeneity on the flow and trapping of CO2 in target UK aquifers
New Orleans
11:36 - 11:51
Tianyuan Zheng
Adaptive hybrid multilayer model coupling vertically-integrated and full multi-dimensional models for geological CO2 storage
New Orleans
11:54 - 12:09
Amir Ghaderi
Quantitative measurements of partial saturations in Brine-CO2 saturated Rocks at pore scale
New Orleans
12:12 - 12:27