Presentation materials
In this talk, we are concerned with the computational analysis of saturation overshoots for two-phase flow in porous media. In particular, it is of interest under which conditions a given saturation overshoot remains stable, while moving through a porous medium. In order to investigate this issue, we consider a decoupled and a fully coupled model, where drainage and imbibition processes are...
The Richards equation is a commonly used model for unsaturated flow through porous media. Using the Darcy law in the mass balance equation, and bringing the resulting equation to a dimensionless form, for gravity driven flow one gets the equation:
Accurate characterization of the multiscale pore structure in carbonates reservoirs is a complex but crucial step for pore-scale modelling of the corresponding flow and transport properties. 3D images obtained using micro computed tomography (CT) are only able to capture a relatively narrow range of pore sizes at a given resolution and fail to reproduce cross-scale pore connections. Therefore,...
The typical characteristic of a thin porous layer is that its thickness is much smaller than its in-plane dimensions. A stack of thin porous layers creates contact interfaces, whose properties are quite different with thin layers. Determining the hydraulic properties is essential to understand and model fluid flow in thin porous media. The validity of classical methods in thin porous media is...
Pome fruit such as apple are harvested mature but unripe, stored at low temperature (typically -1.0 to 3ยฐC) in combination with a reduced O2 and increased CO2 partial pressure in so-called controlled Atmosphere (CA) storage. This is done to delay climacteric ripening, and, hence, extend their storage life. The optimal storage gas composition is critical, as too low O2 levels in combination...
In unconventional oil and gas reservoirs, hydraulic fracturing can only generate fractures in limited bulk of reservoirs. Moreover, natural and hydraulic fractures are difficult to characterize, and the water disposal process is linked to environmental concerns including induced seismicity. Recent laboratory efforts report on the application of shock-wave comminution to micro-fracture...