Methane hydrate is a non-stoichiometric crystalline structure in which water molecules form hydrogen-bonded cages with methane molecules inside. Abundant methane hydrate resources are present on Earth, especially in various mineral porous media (e.g., clays, coal, shale, permafrost and sea-floor).[1] Understanding the dynamics and thermodynamics of methane hydrate confined in porous media has therefore attracted a great deal of attention in the last decade.
In the present work, we combine computer modeling and theoretical approaches to determine the dynamics and thermodynamics of methane hydrate confined in porous media. First, molecular simulation, including Molecular Dynamics (MD), Monte Carlo simulations (using direct coexistence method), and free energy calculations (involving Einstein Molecule approach and umbrella sampling), is used to show that the shift in melting temperature of methane hydrate confined in porous media with respect to the bulk phase at a given pressure,
[1] G. J. MacDonald, Annual Review of Energy, 1990, 15, 53
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