14–17 May 2018
New Orleans
US/Central timezone

Analysis of the pressure and productivity characteristics for horizontal fractured well in the tight reservoir based on the three-zones model

15 May 2018, 16:55
New Orleans

New Orleans

Poster + 3 Minute Pitch MS 1.01: Multi-scale Particulates Transport through Porous Media Saturated with Multi-Phase Fluids Parallel 5-F


Dr Jia Deng (Zhengzhou University)


Hydraulic fracturing is a major means to improve gas production which can form multi fractures and complex fracture network. Because of the permeability difference between the fracture network zone and the matrix zone, the composite fracture network system was proposed. We built a three zones coupled composite model to describe the fracture network. I zone indicates fracture network, which contained the major fracture and branch fractures. II zone indicates the shale matrix. Then the unsteady flow model was built and the analytic solution was derived. The model can provide theory basis for shale gas development. The pressure of the three zones and the productivity can be predicted based on the three-zones model. This paper provides a theoretical basis to optimize reasonable development mode such as the hydraulic fracture and the network conductivity, the stimulated reservoir volume and the layout of the well spacing.


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Primary authors

Dr Jia Deng (Zhengzhou University) Prof. weiyao Zhu (University of Science and Technology Beijing) Dr Fei Wang (Zhengzhou University,)

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