14–17 May 2018
New Orleans
US/Central timezone

Similarity of water movement in porous media under the conditions of microgravity and hydrophobicity

16 May 2018, 17:15
1h 30m
New Orleans

New Orleans

Poster GS 1: Fundamental theories of porous media Poster 3


Dr Kosuke Noborio (Meiji Univeristy)


A water infiltration rate into soil or porous media is reported to be slower in microgravity than on the earth with 1G (Jones and Or, 1999) as well as for hydrophobic soils (DeBano, 1971). Water characteristic curves under the microgravity condition (Heinse et al., 2007) and for hydrophobic soils (Bauters et al., 2000) very much look alike little changes in matric potential with various water contents. For hydrophobic soils (Bauters et al., 2000), the water contact angel becomes larger as well as under microgravity for larger droplets (Brutin et al., 2009). We thought that the contact angle might play the key role for water infiltration under microgravity. We will discuss more on this matter from the view point of similarity between microgravity and hydrophobicity at the minisymposium.


Bauters, T. W. J., Steenhuis, T. S., DiCarlo, D. A., Nieber, J. L., Dekker, L. W., Ritsema, C. J., ... & Haverkamp, R. (2000). Physics of water repellent soils. Journal of Hydrology, 231, 233-243.
Brutin, D., Zhu, Z., Rahli, O., Xie, J., Liu, Q., & Tadrist, L. (2009). Sessile drop in microgravity: creation, contact angle and interface. Microgravity Science and Technology, 21(1), 67-76.
DeBano, L. F. (1971). The effect of hydrophobic substances on water movement in soil during infiltration. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 35(2), 340-343.
Heinse, R., Jones, S. B., Steinberg, S. L., Tuller, M., & Or, D. (2007). Measurements and modeling of variable gravity effects on water distribution and flow in unsaturated porous media. Vadose Zone Journal, 6(4), 713-724.
Jones, S. B., & Or, D. (1999). Microgravity effects on water flow and distribution in unsaturated porous media: Analyses of flight experiments. Water resources research, 35(4), 929-942.

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Primary authors

Dr Kosuke Noborio (Meiji Univeristy) Mr Naoto Sato (Meiji University)

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