14–17 May 2018
New Orleans
US/Central timezone

Constitutive Relations for a New Theoretical Framework Describing 2-Phase-Flow in Porous Media

16 May 2018, 16:55
New Orleans

New Orleans

Poster + 3 Minute Pitch GS 1: Fundamental theories of porous media Parallel 8-G


Dr Mathias Winkler (Norwegian University of Science & Technology)


Recently, a new theoretical framework to describe 2-phase flow in porous media has been put forward by our research group. Within this theory, a transport equation for the wetting phase saturation can be derived. In order to utilize this new theory a constitutive relation is needed that characterizes the “mixing” of the two fluids. Here mixing is understood not as mixing on a molecular level, but rather as the mixing of the two fluids seen on a meso- or macroscopic scale.
In this contribution, we use constitutive relations obtained from mesoscale network models and apply the new theory to transient states on the macroscale.

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Primary author

Dr Mathias Winkler (Norwegian University of Science & Technology)


Magnus Aa. Gjennestad (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) Alex Hansen (NTNU) Santanu Sinha (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

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