In this talk, we present a hybrid multilayer framework to couple full multi-dimensional models with the various vertically integrated models. Such a framework allows us to use full multi-dimensional models in highly heterogeneous layers of an aquifer where full multi-dimensional model is the only robust option, while applying simplified vertically integrated models in layers with homogeneous or layered heterogeneous properties. We develop algorithms to couple the full multi-dimensional model with vertically integrated models (VE or DR), as well as algorithms for the coupling between the VE and DR models. In addition, we develop a local criterion to adaptively switch between VE and DR reconstructors [3], i.e., use VE reconstructor when the two fluid phases are in equilibrium while use DR reconstructor to capture vertical dynamics when the fluids deviate from vertical equilibrium. Comparisons with full multi-dimensional models (MRST [4] is used in our work) show that our adaptive hybrid multilayer model is much more computationally efficient than full multi-dimensional models while providing results with similar accurary, making this hybrid model an attractive tool for modeling of CO
[1] Guo, B., Bandilla, KW, Doster, F., Keilegavlen, E., & Celia, MA (2014). A vertically integrated model with vertical dynamics for CO2 storage. Water Resources Research , 50 (8), 6269-6284.
[2] Guo, B., Bandilla, KW, Nordbotten, JM, Celia, MA, Keilegavlen, E., & Doster, F. (2016). A multiscale multilayer vertically integrated model with vertical dynamics for CO2 sequestration in layered geological formations. Water Resources Research , 52 (8), 6490-6505.
[3] Becker, B., Guo, B., Bandilla, K., Celia, M. A., Flemisch, B., & Helmig, R. (2017). An adaptive multiphysics model coupling vertical equilibrium and full multidimensions for multiphase flow in porous media. arXiv preprint arXiv:1711.09614.
[4] Lie, KA (2014). An introduction to reservoir simulation using MATLAB: user guide for the Matlab Reservoir Simulation Toolbox (MRST). SINTEF ICT.
[5] Møyner, O., & Nilsen, HM (2017). Multiresolution Coupled Vertical Equilibrium Model for Fast Flexible Simulation of CO2 Storage. arXiv preprint arXiv: 1710.08735 .
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