14–17 May 2018
New Orleans
US/Central timezone

Interfacial curvature and capillary pressure measurements during water displacement by supercritical CO2 in a micromodel

17 May 2018, 12:30
New Orleans

New Orleans

Poster MS 3.06: Microfluidics and Micromodels in Porous Media Research Poster 4


Dr Farzan Kazemifar (California State University Sacramento)


Multiphase immiscible displacement in porous media is a process occurring in different applications, such as CO2 sequestration in saline aquifers and oil/gas production from hydrocarbon reservoirs. Capillary pressure, Pc, is one of the variables that controls flow behavior and displacement patterns that ultimately determines residual saturation. Capillary pressure is a function of interfacial tension and interfacial curvature. In this work, displacement of water by supercritical CO2 in a heterogeneous micromodel is studied using a high-speed camera coupled to a long-distance microscope with large field of view. Interfacial curvature of individual menisci is measured to estimate the capillary pressure in each meniscus. The correlation between the dynamic local capillary pressure measurements and pressure difference across the micromodel during the drainage process is examined in detail.

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Primary authors

Dr Farzan Kazemifar (California State University Sacramento) Yaofa Li (University of Notre Dame) Ava Hurlock (University of Rochester) Dr Gianluca Blois (University of Notre Dame) Prof. Kenneth Christensen (University of Notre Dame)

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