14–17 May 2018
New Orleans
US/Central timezone

NMR Measurement of Pore Structure and Connectivity Induced by Water Ingress into Beeswax

16 May 2018, 14:55
New Orleans

New Orleans

Oral 20 Minutes MS 3.01: Application of NMR Methods to Porous Media: Parallel 8-D


Madison L. Nelson (Physics, Montana State University )


Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) allows for non-invasive measurement of the dynamics of liquids in complex porous structures. In high-field NMR, measurement of restricted molecular motion and changes in magnetic relaxation times can characterize pore size and connectivity. Molecular diffusion measurements are utilized to identify the restricted motion of water after ingress into the pore structure of a beeswax model construct. With this measurement, pore size, diffusion length scale, and structure tortuosity can be determined. T2 relaxation measurements are used to detect the transient penetration of bulk water through the pore matrix and characterize the structural changes in the beeswax matrix due to the influx of water. The data indicate novel new applications to soft matter systems of NMR methods that are well established in standard solid matrix porous media.

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Primary author

Madison L. Nelson (Physics, Montana State University )


Dr Jon Cape (Lonza Pharma & Biotech) Dr David Vodak (Lonza Pharma & Biotech) Dr Sarah L. Codd (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Montana State University ) Dr Joseph D. Seymour (Chemical and Biological Engineering, Physics, Montana State University )

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