14–17 May 2018
New Orleans
US/Central timezone

Porous media deformation and self-structuring under capillary bulldozing

16 May 2018, 17:15
New Orleans

New Orleans

Poster MS 3.10: From deformable porous media to frictional fluids Poster 3


Dr Guillaume Dumazer (University of Oslo, Porous Media Laboratory)


An experimental observation of the structuring of a granular suspension under the progress of a gas/liquid meniscus in a narrow tube is reported here. The granular material is moved and compactifies as a growing accumulation front. The frictional interaction with the confining walls increases until the pore capillary entry pressure is reached. The gas then penetrates the clogged granular packing and a further accumulation front is formed at the far side of the plug. This cyclic process continues until the gas/liquid interface reaches the tube’s outlet, leaving a trail of plugs in the tube. Such 1D pattern formation belongs to a larger family of patterning dynamics observed in 2D Hele-Shaw geometry. The cylindrical geometry considered here provides an ideal case for a theoretical modelling for forced granular matter oscillating between a long frictional phase and a sudden viscous fluidization.

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Primary authors

Dr Guillaume Dumazer (University of Oslo, Porous Media Laboratory) Dr Bjornar Sandnes (College of Engineering, University of Swansea) Mr Monem Ayaz (Institut de Physique du Globe de Strasbourg) Prof. Knut Jørgen Måløy (University of Oslo, Porous Media Laboratory) Prof. Eirik Flekkøy (University of Oslo, Porous Media Laboratory)

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