14–17 May 2018
New Orleans
US/Central timezone

Parallel implementation of a multiscale mixed finite method for waterflood displacement in five-spot patterns

16 May 2018, 17:45
New Orleans

New Orleans

Poster MS 2.08: Recent Advances in Multiscale Methods and Uncertainty Quantification Poster 3


Eduardo Abreu (University of Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil)


In this work, we have performed an efficient implementation of
the multiscale mixed method MuMM introduced in [1], that is based on a
non-overlapping iterative domain decomposition procedure with novel Robin
interface conditions (see also [2] where the variational formulation of [1]
was presented). We also performed a numerical study to built multiscale
mixed basis functions to find an optimum set of mesh grid
parameters defined in the subdomains associated with the coarsest scale to
a sensitivity analysis aiming a better selection of optimum development
scenarios for waterflood displacement in five-spot patterns. The reserve
growth potential of existing conventional oil reservoirs world-wide is
huge and set to continue, in despite from other emerging energy resources.
Locally conservative hybridized mixed finite elements are used for the
spatial discretization of the underlying 3D Elliptic problem linked to the
quarter five-spot Darcy flow at hand. This procedure can be used to be
effective for practical purposes on the development scenarios for
waterflood displacement in a five-spot pattern. The procedure fits well in
heterogeneous processing units (CPU-GPU), along with Message Passing
Interface technology for clusters. This work aims to produce a simple,
fast and efficient numerical tool to evaluate selection of optimum number
of wells and their possible optimum location to prevent the wastage of
capital investment and for improving waterflooding recovery in oil
reservoir engineering.

[1] A. Francisco, V. Ginting, F. Pereira and J. Rigelo, Design and
implementation of a multiscale mixed method based on a nonoverlapping
domain decomposition procedure, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 99
(2014) 125-138.

[2] R.T. Guiraldello, R.F. Ausas, F.S Sousa, F. Pereira and G. C. Buscaglia, The Multiscale Robin Coupled Method for flows in porous media, Journal of Computational Physics 355 (2018) 1-21.


[1] A. Francisco, V. Ginting, F. Pereira and J. Rigelo, Design and
implementation of a multiscale mixed method based on a nonoverlapping
domain decomposition procedure, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 99
(2014) 125-138.

[2] R.T. Guiraldello, R.F. Ausas, F.S Sousa, F. Pereira and G. C. Buscaglia, The Multiscale Robin Coupled Method for flows in porous media, Journal of Computational Physics 355 (2018) 1-21.

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Primary authors

Felipe Pereira (Mathematical Sciences Department, The University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, USA) Eduardo Abreu (University of Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil) Mr Joel Moraes (University of Campinas - SP - Brazil) Dr Luis Santos (University of Campinas - SP - Brazil) Ms Paola Ferraz (University of Campinas - Sao Paulo - Brazil)

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