14–17 May 2018
New Orleans
US/Central timezone

A random connection model for pore network modeling

15 May 2018, 18:30
New Orleans

New Orleans

Poster MS 1.27: Pore Scale Processes and Upscaling of Flow and (Reactive) Transport in Porous Media Poster 2


Ana T. Mendoza-Rosas (CONACYT-Centro de Ingeniería y Desarrollo Industrial)


Pore network models have been applied for predicting petrophysical properties at pore scale. From a geometry point of view, basically a pore network and pore and throat size distributions are required for pore network modeling. Although different pore network models have been constructed using data extracted mainly from images, it is not always possible to count on the necessary information, and working with a unique extracted network could generate non-representative results. Therefore, a statistical analysis of the data offers the advantage of generating different realizations of the network and its geometry. Building statistically representative networks require analysis of the image to extract size distributions of pores, throats and their connectivity. The last is relevant for percolation properties of the pore system.
In this work a random connection model (RCM) for network modeling is proposed. In a random connection model the critical density is a connection function g. A connection function defined as g: Rd→ [0, 1] is chosen, where a pair of points (x,y) are connected with probability g(|x - y|), independently of all other pairs of points, here |.| denotes Euclidean distance in Rd. In general, if unbounded connected components arise, we say that percolation occurs.
The RCM is applied to a case of study for pore network modeling of a carbonate rock sample. In particular, from multiple realizations of the RCM the effect on fluid flow properties is investigated.


[1] R. Meester and R. Roy, Continuum Percolation. Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics. Cambridge University Press, 1996.
[2] Garcia-Ayala, C.D. Continuum percolation models for discrete fracture networks in naturally fractured porous media. (bachelor thesis). Faculty of Sciences, UNAM, 2014.

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Primary author

Ana T. Mendoza-Rosas (CONACYT-Centro de Ingeniería y Desarrollo Industrial)


Martin A. Díaz-Viera (INSTITUTO MEXICANO DEL PETROLEO) Edgar G. Martínez-Mendoza (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)

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