14–17 May 2018
New Orleans
US/Central timezone

Fluid-solid reaction in single and multiphase flows by geo-material microfluidics

15 May 2018, 14:37
New Orleans

New Orleans

Oral 20 Minutes MS 1.27: Pore Scale Processes and Upscaling of Flow and (Reactive) Transport in Porous Media Parallel 5-H


Joaquin Jimenez-Martinez (EAWAG-ETHZ)


We are missing a deep understanding of the coupling of multiphase flows and fluid-solid reactions, including rock dissolution and mineral precipitation. To achieve this objective, we designed a geo-material microfluidic cell using limestone from SACROC unit (Texas, US) as substrate. For the single flow experiment, supercritical (sc) CO2 dissolved in brine was flowed through a controlled etched geometry. In the same geometry, CO2-saturated brine and scCO2 were simultaneously injected for the multiphase flow experiment. Dissolution and precipitation rates for single and multiphase flows were deduced from high-precision 3D measurements, and changes in permeability from pressure measurements. We also simulated the flow through the pore space to quantify changes in flow dynamics due changes in geometry. We showed the coupling of single and multiphase flow and fluid-solid reactions, demonstrating the impact of multiphase flows on the latter.

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Primary authors

Joaquin Jimenez-Martinez (EAWAG-ETHZ) Mark L. Porter (Bureau of Reclamation) Dr J. William Carey (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Jeffrey D. Hyman (Los Alamos National Laboratory) George Guthrie (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Hari Viswanathan (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

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