14–17 May 2018
New Orleans
US/Central timezone

Universal Scaling Relation for Kinkenberg Flows in Nanoporous Media

16 May 2018, 17:15
1h 30m
New Orleans

New Orleans

Poster MS 1.24: Pore structure characterization and micro-scale effect on fluid flow in unconventional reservoir Poster 3


Prof. Xiaolong Yin (Colorado School of Mines)


In this study, slip flow of gases were measured in several tight reservoir rock samples and nanofluidic chips. The results were then compared to gas flow simulations by DSBGK. Klinkenberg permeability of rocks was obtained using a steady-state method under varying pore pressures but constant temperature and effective stress. Experiments conducted in nanofluidics devices, which have controlled pore size, also used the steady-state method. Same gas was used in both experiments, making them directly comparable. Independent DSBGK simulations were carried out on several constructed geometry models. The Klinkenberg factors obtained from these independent studies varied across three orders of magnitude, yet they all collapse on a single scaling relation that indicates that the Klinkenberg factor is inversely proportional to the square root of the intrinsic permeability.

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Primary authors

Mr Xiangyu Yu (Colorado School of Mines) Mr Ye Tian (Colorado School of Mines) Jun Li (King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals) Prof. Xiaolong Yin (Colorado School of Mines) Mr Keith B. Neeves (Colorado School of Mines) Yu-Shu Wu (Colorado School of Mines)

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