May 31, 2021 to June 4, 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

Poster (+Pitch) Presentations


On this page you can find information about:

We will provide information on session assignments and detailed instructions on preparing and uploading posters and presentations shortly.


Poster (+pitch) Format

Posters (+Pitch) presentations will consist of up to four parts, each explained below.
1) the digital poster (mandatory)
2) the poster pitch (optional)
3) a live poster Q&A session (mandatory)
4) informal Q&A through chat

Poster (+pitch) presenters will be required to submit a poster in digital format. They will also have the opportunity to provide a 3-minute pre-recorded pitch presentation. Both poster and pitch presentations will be made available for viewing by participants nine days before, during, and two weeks after the conference. Questions can be posted at any time via special chat channels. During the conference, there will be 1-hour poster sessions scheduled over the three time blocks where poster presenters will discuss their posters with the attendees via video conferencing


Digital Posters (mandatory)

  • Poster presenters will be required to submit a poster in digital format. 
  • Poster files will be uploaded to the conference platform. 
  • All posters will be available for viewing beginning Saturday, 22 May until Saturday, 19 June. 
  • Poster presenters will be assigned a live poster session during one of three time blocks (requested during abstract submission.)
  • Presenters have the option of uploading a 3-minute pre-recorded pitch presentation  for their poster.


Pitch Presentations (optional)

  • Poster presenters will have the option of uploading a 3-minute pre-recorded pitch presentation for their poster. 
  • Pre-recorded pitch presentations will be uploaded to the conference platform and will be available for viewing beginning Saturday, 22 May until Saturday, 19 June.


Live Poster Sessions (mandatory)

  • All Poster (+Pitch) presenters will be assigned to one of the five poster sessions during the conference.
  • Poster sessions are found in each of the three time blocks to accommodate participants from around the globe.
  • Participants will be asked for time block preferences during abstract submission. 
  • During the poster sessions each presenter will have a dedicated video conferencing room in which they can discuss their poster face-to-face. 
  • Attendance will be mandatory for the 1-hour duration of the presenter's assigned poster session. 
  • NOTE: Live poster sessions will be assigned after abstract submission notification and will include specifications and instructions on how to upload your poster and optional pitch to the conference platform.


Informal Q&A Chat 

  • Attendees and presenters can use the dedicated chat function in the conference platform to discuss posters at any time. 
  • The chat function will be available throughout the duration of the conference, as well as the week prior to and until Saturday, 19 June. 


MDPI Energies Student Poster Awards

  • Two Student Poster Awards are given in recognition for outstanding posters.
  • Each award consists of a prize of 500€ and an award certificate.
  • Eligibility for the Student Poster Award is limited to Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral students who have completed the research during their studies and present a poster at the InterPore conference.
  • To be considered, you must submit an abstract indicating your wish to compete.
  • An Evaluation Committee will judge all posters and their presentations and will select awardees based on scientific quality and relevance, oral presentation, and the design and structure of the poster.
  • The deadline for abstract submission is on 15 February 2021. 
  • More details on the awards and eligibility can be found at MDPI Energies Student Poster Award – InterPore


InterPore Code of Conduct

  • InterPore prohibits recording, capturing or sharing any parts of the conference or content on the conference platform.  Do not cite or reproduce any part of any poster or video without permission from the presenter.
  • Please read the full InterPore2021 Code of Conduct.