31 May 2021 to 4 June 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

Register Now

Registration for InterPore2021 is now open!  


Registration for InterPore Members

InterPore membership for 2021 must be current in order to qualify for membership rates. To verify your membership and receive a membership verification code:

  1. Log in to your InterPore Events account at https://events.interpore.org/
  2. Log in to your InterPore Member account at https://www.interpore.org/
  3. Go to the events registration page.
  4. Select "InterPore2021 Event Registration"
  5. You will be taken back to the registration page and the special verification code will automatically be populated.

Please note:

  • The names on your membership account and conference account must match exactly in order for the verification code to work. 
  • The verification code is only valid for 15 minutes. 
  • Should you encounter any problems, please see detailed instructions here.


Registration for Non-Members

Registration for non-members can be found here: https://events.interpore.org/event/25/registrations/79/


Register as Sponsor or Exhibitor

If you have a sponsorship agreement or have booked an exhibition booth and would like to redeem your free registration, please provide the name and e-mail address of the participant to: secretary@interpore.org


For information on our registration fees, and what's included in the fee, please visit our Registration Fees page.