May 31, 2021 to June 4, 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

Online Conference Format

InterPore2021 Online - Don’t miss a moment! 

InterPore2021 will be held exclusively online and include both oral and poster (+pitch) presentations.

Oral presentations at InterPore2021 will be required to submit a 10-minute pre-recorded presentation which will be made available to view by participants starting nine days before the conference and until two weeks after the conference. Questions can be posted at any time via special chat channels. During the conference, we will have live Q&A sessions scheduled over three time blocks in order to accommodate participants from different time zones. Each abstract will be assigned a live session during which the presenter will give a 10-minute presentation followed by 5-minute Q&A. More information on oral presentations can be found here

Poster (+) presenters will be required to submit a poster in digital format. They will also have the opportunity to provide a pre-recorded presentation. Both poster and presentations will be made available for viewing by participants nine days before, during, and two weeks after the conference. Questions can be posted at any time via special chat channels. During the conference, there will be poster sessions scheduled over the three time blocks where poster presenters will discuss their posters with the attendees via video conferencing. Additional information on poster (+) presentations can be found here

The online platform will allow you to join a world-class conference from the comfort of your own home or office and at the convenience of your own schedule all streamlined through one seamless platform. In addition to all poster (+) and oral presentations from the 24 minisymposia, the single interface will provide around-the-clock access to:
•    10 invited lectures
•    keynote lectures
•    Virtual exhibitor hall
•    Breakout rooms for networking or further discussions 1-on-1 or in a group
•   Social and networking activites

All live sessions and lectures will be recorded and available for viewing the day after each session and after the conference so that you don’t miss a thing – no matter where you are.