31 May 2021 to 4 June 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

Rheology of two-phase flow in mixed-wet porous media: Dynamic network model and capillary fiber bundle results

2 Jun 2021, 18:50
Oral Presentation (MS9) Pore-scale modelling MS9


Mrs Hursanay Fyhn (PoreLab)


We expect quantitative changes in the behavior of immiscible two-phase flow in porous media when we move from uniform to mixed wet conditions [1]. Are there also qualitative changes? When viscous and capillary forces -the latter determined by the wetting conditions - compete, there is growing evidence that the flow rate depends on the pressure gradient to a power in the the range 1.5 to 2 [2]. These studies have all been performed under uniform wetting conditions. Do we still see this behavior under mixed wet conditions? Using a dynamic network simulator where we follow the motion of the fluid interfaces through the porous medium [3], and a capillary fiber bundle model [4], which is analytically solvable, we demonstrate that indeed we find the same qualitative behavior under these conditions [5].


[1] Gao, Y., Raeini, A. Q., Selem, A. M., Bondino, I., Blunt, M. J., and Bijeljic, B., Adv. Water Res. 146, 103786 (2020).
[2] Tallakstad, K. T., Knudsen, H. A., Ramstad, T., Løvoll, G., Måløy, K. J., Toussaint, R., and Flekkøy, E. G., Phys. Rev. Lett., 102, 074502 (2009); Tallakstad, K. T., Løvoll, G., Knudsen, H. A., Ramstad, T., Flekkøy, E. G., and Måløy, K. J., Phys. Rev. E, 80, 036308 (2009); Sinha, S. and Hansen, A., EPL, 99, 44004 (2012); Roy, S., Hansen, A. and Sinha, S., Front. Phys. 7, 92 (2020); Aursjø, O., Erpelding, M., Tallakstad, K. T., Flekkøy, E. G., Hansen, A., and Måløy, K. J., Front. Phys. 2, 63 (2014); Sinha, S., Bender, A.T., Danczyk, M., Keepseagle, K., Prather, C.A., Bray, J.M., Thrane, L.W., Seymour, J.D., Codd, S.L. and Hansen, A., Transport Por. Media, 119, 77 (2017); Gao, Y., Lin, Q., Bijeljic, B. and Blunt, M. J., Water Resources Research, 53, 10274 (2017); Gao, Y., Lin, Q., Bijeljic, B. and Blunt, M. J., Phys. Rev. Fluids, 5, 013801 (2020); Zhang, Y., Bijeljic, B., Gao, Y., Lin, Q. and Blunt, M. J., eartharXiv, https://doi.org/10.31223/osf.io/2rxbn (2020).
[3] Sinha, S., Gjennestad, M. Aa., Vassvik, M. and Hansen, A., arXiv:1907.12842 (2019).
[4] Roy, S., Hansen, A. and Sinha, S., Front. Phys. 7, 92 (2019).
[5] Fyhn, H., Sinha, S., Roy, S., and Hansen, A., in preparation.

Time Block Preference Time Block A (09:00-12:00 CET)
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Primary authors

Mrs Hursanay Fyhn (PoreLab) Santanu Sinha (Beijing Computational Science Research Center, 10 East Xibeiwang Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100193, China.) Dr Subhadeep Roy (PoreLab) Alex Hansen (NTNU)

Presentation materials