August 31, 2020 to September 4, 2020
Europe/Brussels timezone

Writing Workshop

How to write a successful research paper: The 10 mistakes to avoid

On Tuesday, September 1st during Time Block C (18:00 CET), Jaime Gómez-Hernández will be offering a writing workshop. The event is free and open to all participants of InterPore2020.  

Through a number of real cases, the attendants will learn the common mistakes made when submitting a manuscript for consideration to a specialized journal.

Jaime has served in the Editorial Boards of Journal of Hydrology, Journal of Hydrogeology and Mathematical Geology for many years, and currently, he is still a member of the boards of Advances in Water Resources, Mathematical Geosciences, Water, and Springer Nature Applied Science. He has rejected too many manuscripts in the last 20 years and can tell you what to do to avoid rejection. He will also discuss how to deal with non-scientific reviews, and what to do when you know that the review is incorrect.

Everything will be presented using examples based on actual submissions in a very casual and lively way. Many previous attendants to this seminar have been able to overcome the hurdle of the dreaded rejection letter.