August 31, 2020 to September 4, 2020
Europe/Brussels timezone


(1) Interfacial phenomena in multiphase systems at the pore scale [MS 6B]

“Transport in Porous Media”


1.1 Objectives, Purpose and Value of the Recommended Theme

Understanding pore-scale interfacial phenomena is the key to establish physically based Darcy-scale descriptions of multiphase flow in porous media and therefore significant in answering fundamental questions rising from subsurface engineering.


Interfaces pose additional complexities on multi-phase flow compared to single-phase flow, at the pore scale and Darcy scale. The presence of fluid-fluid interfaces and fluid-solid interfaces introduce capillary forces and other interfacial effects that interact with viscous, gravitational, thermal, and reactive processes and lead to macroscopic manifestations that are, in many cases, not fully understood.


1.2 Topics

(1) The impact of extremely-wetting or mixed-wetting conditions on fluid flow

(2) Impact of contact-line dynamics on fluid flow

(3) Emulsion and foam systems in porous media

(4) Coupled flow and thermodynamics (e.g., evaporation/condensation)

(5) Interface viscoelasticity on multiphase flow

(6) Spontaneous and flow-induced emulsification

(7) Heat/mass transfer across interfaces


1.3 Time Schedule

(1) Open for submission: June 1, 2020

(2) Deadline for full paper submissions: December 31, 2020


1.4 Guest Editor Team

Ke Xu, Peking University, China

Yashar Mehmani, Stanford, USA

Pacelli Zitha, TU Delft, The Netherlands


(2) Adsorption, Absorption and Thermo-Chemical Transport Processes in Complex Porous Structures [MS 22]

“Transport in Porous Media”


1.1 Objectives, Purpose and Value of the Recommended Theme

Thermochemical processes in porous structures, for which we can find its applications in many areas, is complex due to the coupling of multi-physics, such as reaction, heat transfer, mass transfer, and fluid flow. The special issue concentrates on the adsorption/absorption, fluid flows, heat and mass transfer in general, which applies itself to collect various problems, as well as corresponding solutions in the fields related with adsorption/absorption of porous media. The involvement of industry researchers and practitioners will be helpful to acquire a greater understanding of the current challenges in this area, with the hope of establishing bridges between different industries and disciplines.


1.2 Topics

(1) Chemical Reactions in Porous Media

(2) Heat/Mass Transfer of Adsorption/Absorption in Porous Media

(3) Fluid Flow, Migration and Diffusion Problems in Porous Media

(4) Pore-Scale / Multi-Scale Simulation of Chemical Process in Porous Media

(5) Novel Models, Methods and Algorithms of Reactive Flows in Porous Media

(6) Experimental data about Adsorption/Absorption of Porous Media

(7) High Efficient Thermochemical Heat Recovery and Storage of Porous Media

(8) Structure and Performance Optimization of Porous Structures

(9) Various Applications of Porous Media with Reactions

(10) Molecular Simulation of Chemical Reactions in Porous Structures


1.3 Time Schedule

(1) Open for submission: June 27, 2020

(2) Deadline for full paper submissions: October 1, 2020


1.4 Guest Editor Team

Huijin Xu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Gerald Debenest, Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse, France

Quanguo Zhang, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou, Henan, China


(3) Applied geochemistry in porous media: Interplay of chemical reactions, physical alteration, and flow phenomena [MS 10]

“Applied Geochemistry”


1.1 Objectives, Purpose and Value of the Recommended Theme

Underground resources exploitation, geologic CO2 storage, geothermal energy production, groundwater management, contaminant migration in soil, etc. require an understanding of complicated flow, transport, physical alteration, and geochemical processes in porous media. How to effectively combine available experimental, modelling, and characterization approaches to study complicated flow, transport, physical alteration, and geochemical processes in porous media remains a big challenge. This special issue solicits high-quality article submissions in the broad area of flow, transport, physical alteration, and geochemical processes in porous media.


1.2 Topics

(1) Thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical (THMC) coupled processes in porous media;

(2) Multi-phase flow with fluid-rock geochemical interactions;

(3) Pore-network modeling considering heterogeneity in distribution and reactive surface area variations of minerals;

(4) Mixing-induced mineral dissolution and precipitation modeling in porous media;

(5) Transport, adsorption and decay processes in porous media


1.3 Time Schedule

(1) Open for submission: August 1, 2020

(2) Deadline for full paper submissions: May 31, 2021


1.4 Guest Editor Team

Liwei Zhang, Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, CAS, China

Hang Deng, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, US

Mehdi Gharasoo, University of Waterloo, Canada


(4) Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Complicated Subsurface Porous/Fractured Geomaterials [MS 3]

“Journal of Porous Media”


1.1 Objectives, Purpose and Value of the Recommended Theme

Understanding the fluid flow and heat transfer behavior in porous or fractured porous media is crucial to geoenergy technologies that utilize favourable geological conditions to store or extract fluids from the subsurface through a variety of engineering fields (e.g. pollute transport, petroleum engineering, carbon sequestration, and geothermal engineering). The special issue concentrates on the improved experimental methods, model construction and different numerical methods for mass and heat transfer in porous and fractured porous media related to various geosciences and geomechanics fields.


1.2 Topics

(1) Porous and Fractured Media Characterization and Model Construction

(2) Experimental Investigation on Mass and Heat Transfer in Porous and Fractured Media

(3) Pore-Scale / Multi-Scale Simulation of Mass and Heat Process in Porous/Fractured Media

(4) Complicated Seepage Issues Related with Pollutant Transport, Petroleum Engineering, Carbon Sequestration, Geothermal Engineering, etc.

(5) Application of Improved Numerical Methods in Subsurface Seepage in Porous and Fractured Media


1.3 Time Schedule

(1) Open for submission: August 18, 2020

(2) Deadline for full paper submissions: January 31, 2021


1.4 Guest Editor Team

Huijin Xu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Jianjun Liu, Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Hejuan Liu, Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Chrystel Dezayes, French Geological Survey, France

Pietro Teatini, University of Padova, Italy

Rui Song, Southwest Petroleum University, China


(5) Uncertainty quantification and machine learning in porous media [MS 14 and 15]

“Petroleum Science”


1.1 Objectives, Purpose and Value of the Recommended Theme

Accurate prediction of transport in porous media through realistic modelling is crucial for many engineering problems ranging from oil and gas development, groundwater modeling, geothermal energy exploitation, carbon dioxide sequestration and even biomedical engineering. However, considerable uncertainties are associated with the simulation of the transport phenomenon in porous media, which has a significant impact on the credibility of the predictions. The machine-learning and data-driven method can be used to solve problems in flow through porous media, especially to those that are difficult to construct the explicit flow models. The aim of this Special Issue is to collect state-of-the-art research on the topics of uncertainty quantification and machine learning methods and on their applications to complex transport problems in porous media.


1.2 Topics

(1) Stochastic modeling in porous media

(2) Data-drive model in porous media

(3) Uncertainty propagation in porous media

(4) Stochastic inverse modeling to estimate the uncertain properties in porous media

(5) Surrogate model development for uncertainty quantification in porous media

(6) Data assimilation to incorporate the effect of the dynamic data to constrain uncertainty

(7) Machine learning in uncertainty quantification problems in porous media

(8) Optimization design in porous media under uncertainty

(9) Multi-fidelity methods of uncertainty quantification in porous media


1.3 Time Schedule


(1) Open for submission: October 1, 2020

(2) Deadline for full paper submissions: April 18, 2021


1.4 Guest Editor Team

Liang Xue, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China (

Jianwei Gu, China University of Petroleum, Huadong, China (

Heng Li, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China ( )

Qinzhuo Liao, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, KSA (


(6) Special Issue on “Advance in Intelligent Methods for Unconventional Oil & Gas Reservoir Development”[MS 15]

“Advances in Geo-Energy Research”


1.1 Objectives, Purpose and Value of the Recommended Theme

Unconventional resources including shale gas/oil, tight gas/gas, oil sands, geothermal energy and gas hydrates, etc. are the significant energy source and play as an important component of world energy resources. Significant mechanism work and technique progress must be produced to guide the development of these unconventional resources. Recent advances in machine learning (ML) techniques have become a frontier in porous media-related research. Some classical challenges in porous media are being addressed with ML. The special issue will focus on those most recent results and new directions in porous media-related research.

More detail:


1.2 Topics

(1) Multiscale and multiphysical modelling

(2) Advances in machine learning algorithms

(3) Machine learning application to reservoir

(4) Uncertainty quantification methods for reservoir

(5) Big data techniques application to reservoir

(6) Fast proxy model development


1.3 Time Schedule

(1) Open for submission: October 1, 2020

(2) Deadline for full paper submissions: October 30, 2021


1.4 Guest Editor Team

Qi Zhang, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China

Jianchun Xu, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao, China

Jianchao Cai, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China