13–16 May 2024
Asia/Shanghai timezone

An efficient numerical simulation of coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical processes in deep tight gas reservoirs

15 May 2024, 16:10
1h 30m
Poster Presentation (MS03) Flow, transport and mechanics in fractured porous media Poster


Prof. Zhaoqin Huang (China University of Petroleum (East China))


Deep tight gas is an important unconventional natural gas resource, and it is an important target of exploration and development in recent years. Deep tight gas reservoirs are high-temperature, high-pressure, and high-stress with complex gas–water relationships, and its occurrence and flow mechanisms are still unclear, making the simulation of deep tight gas reservoirs still a challenging problem. Aiming at the key problems faced in the development of deep tight gas reservoirs, this paper establishes a flow-stress-temperature field coupled mathematical model and numerical model, studies the thermo-hydro-mechanical sequential decoupling method to solve the coupled mathematical model, and forms a multi-field coupled simulation technology which provides theoretical support for the development of deep tight gas. Based on the thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling calculation module, this paper conducts research on the influence of thermo-hydro-mechanical multi-field coupling parameters on the production and development performance, and it further verifies the practicability of our proposed model in real

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Primary authors

Mr Yongliang Tang (CNPC Tarim oilfield) Yu-Shu Wu (Colorado School of Mines) Prof. Zhaoqin Huang (China University of Petroleum (East China)) Jun Yao

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