May 13 – 16, 2024
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Invited Student Paper Award

InterPore Journal is excited to announce that a new award for students participating in the annual meetings: the Invited Student Paper Award. Recipients of this award will be selected from the students who present at the InterPore annual meeting. The awardee will be given the opportunity to submit an invited paper to InterPore Journal. 

Who is eligible? 

To be eligible for this award, you must be a student at the time of abstract submission, and give a presentation at the meeting. It goes without saying that this work must represent an original work of the student submitting the abstract. 

How to apply?

All students who are interested in being considered for this award should indicate so at the time of abstract submission. 

Selection procedure & criteria 

The minisymposia conveners may each nominate students for this award after all presentations have been completed. The following criteria will be considered: scientific merit and impact of the work, originality of the work presented, and clarity of presentation. Following nomination, the Editors for InterPore Journal will ask all nominees (ca. 20) to write a two-page synopsis of their work. This synopsis will be evaluated by the Editors and up to eight nominees will be chosen as award recipients The eight selected nominees will be asked to write a full paper and submit to InterPore Journal for publication consideration. Upon successful completion of the peer-review process and publication of the work, the author of each accepted paper will receive the “Best Student Paper Award”. The papers will appear as Invited Papers in InterPore Journal. 

What is the actual award? 

Winners will be recognized at the next Annual Conference during an Award Ceremony, at which point they will be presented with a certificate confirming this award. Furthermore, information on the winners will be included on the InterPore and InterPore Journal websites as well as on all social media channels (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, WeChat).