May 22 – 25, 2023
Europe/London timezone

Colloidal particles adsorption fluctuations: experimental and kirkwood buff integrals approaches

May 25, 2023, 9:45 AM
Oral Presentation (MS23) Special Session in honor of Signe Kjelstrup MS23


Jean-Marc Simon (Université de Bourgogn)


Colloidal particles (amidine latex, 1 μm in diameter) in aqueous solution are put in contact with a glass slide under ambient conditions where they adsorb. The particle concentration is fixed during the experiment by mean of an infinite reservoir. Using a simple optical microscope, 240 x 320 μm2 images of the population of the adsorbed particles are taken while the glass slide and the solution are at equilibrium. Analyzing the surface population we get the direct access to the isotherm, i.e. surface concentration as a function of solution concentration. The isotherm is alternatively obtained both from the density fluctuation and/or from the pair distribution function and the use of the Kirkwood Buff Integral. The results clearly show the equality of the chemical potential between the two phases.

Participation In-Person
Country France
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Primary authors

Jean-Marc Simon (Université de Bourgogn) Dr Isabelle Pochard (University of Bourgogne)

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