22–25 May 2023
Europe/London timezone

Deep learning aided pore scale modelling

22 May 2023, 11:20
Oral Presentation (MS09) Pore-scale modelling MS09


Dr Mostaghimi Peyman


Pore scale imaging and modelling have played an enormous role in advancing knowledge in complex transport phenomena within porous media. We discuss new challenges and directions in pore-scale research by integrating artificial intelligence. These include the recreation of porous media images at a super-resolution, multimineral segmentation and prediction of petrophysical properties with applications in underground reservoir simulation, ore characterisation and groundwater modelling.

Participation In-Person
Country Australia
MDPI Energies Student Poster Award No, do not submit my presenation for the student posters award.
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Primary authors

Dr Mostaghimi Peyman Dr Wang Ying da Dr Tang Kunning Dr Armstrong Ryan

Presentation materials

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