22–25 May 2023
Europe/London timezone

Attention-Res-UNet-based WGAN-GP Network to Boost Digital Rock Image Resolution

24 May 2023, 15:00
Oral Presentation (MS10) Advances in imaging porous media: techniques, software and case studies MS10


Zhen Zhang


1. OBJECTIVE/SCOPE (25-75 words)
High-quality digital rock porous images are required hours to obtain using micro-Computed Tomography (𝜇-CT), while low-quality digital rock images only take a few minutes. To reduce the scanning time while keeping the high-resolution pore structures, we propose an Attention-Res-UNet-based Wasserstein generative adversarial network with gradient penalty (WGAN-GP) to rapidly restore noisy 𝜇-CT images to their clean counterparts.
There are mainly four steps within our workflow. Step 1: We extract numerous subsamples from the original rock image with data augmentation techniques to obtain sufficient training datasets. Step 2: train the Attention-Res-UNet-based WGAN-GP using the low-resolution rock porous images and the corresponding high-resolution rock porous images, in which the generator is composed of a Res-UNet with attention mechanism, and the loss in each layer is extracted to boost the predictivity, as shown in Figure 1. A VGG loss is combined to enhance the capability of capturing important features. Step 3: we conduct high-resolution Navier-Stokes simulations for the generated high-resolution images and the corresponding ground truth to calculate the permeability and relative permeability. Step 4: We then compare the calculated physical properties and the difference maps between the generated images and the ground-truth images. If the physical properties are significantly different and the difference maps contain large errors, we need to check the accuracy of the Attention-Res-UNet-based WGAN-GP.
Two datasets on 2D and 3D rock porous images demonstrate that the proposed Attention-Res-UNet-based WGAN-GP can successfully boost the resolution with minor errors. We further compare the performance of the proposed model with traditional Super-Resolution GAN (SRGAN) and Enhanced Super-Resolution GAN (EDSR). Our proposed method achieves the highest accuracy with the same dataset. The Attention-Res-UNet-based WGAN-GP outperforms other models because 1) the individual loss in each layer is combined with the final loss, which helps the network generate better feature representation at each layer; 2) the attention mechanism helps the network capture the most relevant features; 3) the residual block's utilization in Res-UNet alleviates the gradient vanishing problem and boosts information exchange across different layers; 4) the pre-trained VGG network helps the network to extract high-level features, and 5) the use of WGAN stabilizes the training process by surpassing the Jessen-Shannon divergence.
4. NOVEL/ADDITIVE INFORMATION (25-75 words) no more than three sentences
We propose a novel super-resolution approach using Attention-Res-UNet-based WGAN-GP to boost the resolution of 2D and 3D rock porous images, which is superior to the traditional models regarding accuracy and efficiency. This method enables us to obtain high-resolution rock porous images for real-time analysis.

Participation In-Person
Country Saudi Arabia
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Primary authors

Xupeng He Yiteng Li (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology) Zhen Zhang Mrs Marwa AlSinan (Saudi Aramco) Dr Hyung Kwak (Aramco) Hussein Hoteit (King Abdullah University of Science & Tech (KAUST))

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