22–25 May 2023
Europe/London timezone

Nano-resolution X-CT 3D Imaging and Permeability Simulation of an Actual Shale Kaolinite

25 May 2023, 14:30
Oral Presentation (MS10) Advances in imaging porous media: techniques, software and case studies MS10


Dr Anderson Camargo Moreira (Federal University of Santa Catarina, Mechanical Eng. Dept. LMPT )


Pore and pore network characterization in clays and claystones is essential as they are of longtime and continuing importance in conventional hydrocarbon exploration, unconventional reservoirs and gas (e.g. CO2 and N2; Vernooij et al., 2020), and radioactive waste (Plúa et al., 2021) storage caprocks. Nonetheless, they also occur within the reservoir where they can act as local baffles (Benham et al., 2018) or exceptionally lie at the origin of secondary porosity generation like in the pre-salt formation offshore Brazil (Tosca and Wright, 2015). Porosity and permeability are key factors in assessing the hydrocarbon productivity of unconventional (as shales) reservoirs, which are complex due to their heterogeneous mineralogy and poorly connected nano- and micro-pore systems (Goral et al., 2020). Kaolinite is a kind of clay mineral from the kaolin group with an asymmetric structure similar to stacked layers of pseudo-hexagonal tiles, or platelets, with a few tens of nanometers in thickness (Brigatti et al., 2013; Varga, 2007, Johnston, 2010). Each of these platelets can be considered as an individual kaolinite crystal that can be stacked forming macrostructures (aggregates), as booklets and vermiform morphologies (Mansa et al., 2017). Numerical permeability simulations on these structures are quite rare due to the difficulty in properly imaging them. Due to their small dimensions, most of the registered images of kaolinites are achieved in 2D space with the SEM (scanning electron microscopy) technique (Ivanić et al., 2015; Mansa et al., 2017; Alcázar-Vara and Cortés-Monroy, 2018). This makes kaolinite (and clays in general) permeability estimation challenging since numerical simulations are performed with 3D images of the porous system, whether they are pore networks or voxel-based digital structures. Even though 3D models of shales reconstructed based on 2D image information can be performed (Chen et al., 2015), running simulations on an actual 3D image of the porous media represent a direct process, bypassing the modeling reconstruction. The relatively new focused ion beam (FIB) technology improves the SEM technique making it capable to provide 3D images in high resolution of samples such as clays (Zhu et al., 2021). However, an alternative to FIB-SEM and 3D modeling is high-resolution X-ray nanotomography (nanoCT). NanoCT performs image acquisition in the area of submicron X-ray tomography (Withers, 2007). Since X-ray microtomography (micrometer scale version of tomography) is often employed to analyze the 3D pore network structures of materials, nanoCT is a promising technique that aims to improve this analysis, enabling one to reach the nanometer scale. Besides improving qualitative insight into kaolinites by providing an actual 3D image of it on the nanoscale, this work also aimed to estimate its absolute permeability. A 117m diameter cylindrical sample containing the kaolinite mineral was drilled from a shale sample with a laser ablation system and an Xradia/Zeiss nanoCT scanner UltraXRM-L200 was employed to generate images with 64nm/voxel spatial resolution. The lattice Boltzmann method was used to simulate permeability that was found to be 0.09 mD.


Alcázar-Vara, L.A., Cortés-Monroy, I.R., 2018. Drilling Fluids for Deepwater Fields: An Overview. Chapter n°4 from the book: Recent Insights in Petroleum Science and Engineering, 71-98.
Brigatti, M.F., Galan, E., Theng, B.K.G., 2006. Chapter 2: Structure and mineralogy of clay minerals. Handbook of Clay Science (F. Bergaya, B.K.G. Theng & G. Lagaly, editors). Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Benham, P., Freeman, M., Zhang, I., Choudhary, P., Spring, L., Warrlich, G., Ahmed, K., Shen, C., Sanwoolu, A., Jha, M., Al-Haqqan, H., Al-Boloushi, A., Al-Rabah, A.,2018. The Function of Baffles within Heavy Oil Reservoir and their Impact on Field Development: A Case Study from Kuwait. Conference: SPE International Heavy Oil Conference and Exhibition, Kuwait City, Kuwait, SPE-193775-MS.
Chen, L., Zhang, L., Kang, Q., Viswanathan, H.S., Yao, J., Tao, W., 2015. Nanoscale simulation of shale transport properties using the lattice Boltzmann method: permeability and diffusivity. Scientific Reports, 5, 8089.
Goral, J., Panja, P., Deo, M., Andrew, M., Linden, S., Schwarz, J.O. and Wiegmann, A., 2020. Confinement effect on porosity and permeability of shales. Scientific reports, 10(1), pp.1-11.
Ivanić, M., Vdović, N., Barreto, S.B., Bermanec, V., Sondi, I., 2015. Mineralogy, surface properties and electrokinetic behaviour of kaolin clays from the naturally occurring pegmatite deposits. Geologia Croatica 68(2), 139-145.
Johnston, C.T., 2010. Probing the nanoscale architecture of clay minerals. Clay Minerals 45, 245-279. 10.1180/claymin.2010.045.3.245.
Mansa, R., Ngassa Piegang, G.B., Detellier, C. (2017). Kaolinite aggregation in book-like structure from non-aqueous media. Clays and Clay Minerals 65(3), 193-205.
Plúa, C., Vu, M.N., Armand, G., Rutqvist, J., Birkholzer, J., Xu, H., Guo, R., Thatcher, K.E., Bond, A.E., Wang, W. and Nagel, T., 2021. A reliable numerical analysis for large-scale modeling of a high-level radioactive waste repository in the Callovo-Oxfordian claystone. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 140, p.104574.
Tosca, N.J. and Wright, V.P., 2018. Diagenetic pathways linked to labile Mg-clays in lacustrine carbonate reservoirs: a model for the origin of secondary porosity in the Cretaceous pre-salt Barra Velha Formation, offshore Brazil. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 435(1), pp.33-46.
Varga, G., 2007. The structure of kaolinite and metakaolinite. Építőanyag, 59, 4-8.
Vernooij, R., Siqueira, T.D.A., Hangx, S., Spiers, C., Ketzer, M. and Iglesias, R.S., 2021. CO2‐water‐rock interactions in undeformed and sheared claystone caprocks from Northern Europe. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 11(2), pp.232-250.
Withers, P.J., 2007. X-Ray Nanotomography. Materials Today, 10 (12), 26-34.
Zhu, H., Huang, C., Ju, Y., Bu, H., Li, X., Yang, M., Chu, Q., Feng, H., Qiao, P., Qi, Y., Ma, P., Zheng, L., Lu, Y., 2021. Multi-scale multi-dimensional characterization of clay-hosted pore networks of shale using FIBSEM, TEM, and X-ray micro-tomography: Implications for methane storage and migration. Applied Clay Science, 213, 106239.

Participation In-Person
Country Brazil
MDPI Energies Student Poster Award No, do not submit my presenation for the student posters award.
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Primary author

Dr Anderson Camargo Moreira (Federal University of Santa Catarina, Mechanical Eng. Dept. LMPT )


Dr Celso Peres Fernandes (Federal University of Santa Catarina, Mechanical Eng. Dept. LMPT ) Dr Rodrigo Surmas (Cenpes - Petrobras) Dr Iara Frangiotti Mantovani (Federal University of Santa Catarina, Mechanical Eng. Dept. LMPT ) Ms Lucas Debatin Vieira (University of São Paulo) Dr Hannes Claes (KU Leuven)

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