May 22 – 25, 2023
Europe/London timezone

Ostwald Ripening Investigation using 3D Micro-CT Imaging

May 22, 2023, 11:05 AM
Oral Presentation (MS01) Porous Media for a Green World: Energy & Climate MS01


Mr Waleed Dokhon (Imperial College of London)


The goal of reducing carbon emissions relies heavily on the world’s energy sectors to undergo significant energy transformations. The hydrogen economy plays a critical role in achieving that goal by harvesting hydrogen and using it as an energy carrier. The current storage options limit hydrogen's large-scale adaptation to a major energy form. For that reason, underground hydrogen storage has been an alternative that appealed to the scientific community and prompted multiple studies to explore its feasibility in several aspects. One of those aspects is evaluating the potential of remobilising trapped gases in a porous medium through the Ostwald ripening phenomenon. As such, we examined the phenomenon of Ostwald ripening by leaving the H2-brine system in a sandstone sample uninterrupted for 12 hours to observe any hydrogen re-distribution. The sample was scanned with a micro-CT twice: before and after. Additionally, we demonstrated the derivation of a simple equation that estimates the timescale for disconnected gas ganglia to reach partial equilibrium over a given length scale. Finally, we explored whether changes in the interfacial curvature, in-situ contact angles, saturation distribution, and gas ganglia size distribution occurred during the 12 hours.

We observed the re-distribution of gas ganglia and the emergence of multiple larger new gas ganglia with a maximum extent of about 2 mm. This confirmed the length scale estimation made by the derived equilibrium timescale equation. Additionally, a slight increase in curvature was observed after 12 hours, and the mean contact angle slightly increased at the bottom part of the sample. Overall, our experimental study of the Ostwald ripening phenomenon presented significant remobilisation of trapped gas ganglia and gas re-distribution at the pore scale, which could mean that residually trapped hydrogen can be less than what is thought.


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Primary authors

Mr Waleed Dokhon (Imperial College of London) Prof. Yihuai Zhang (University of Glasgow) Martin Blunt (Imperial College London) Branko Bijeljic (Imperial College)

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