May 22 – 25, 2023
Europe/London timezone

Gas trapping dynamics in heterogeneous sandstones imaged using synchrotron time-lapse tomography.

May 23, 2023, 3:00 PM
Oral Presentation (MS01) Porous Media for a Green World: Energy & Climate MS01


Catrin Harris (Student)


Geological heterogeneities impact the timescale and distribution of capillary trapping of CO$_2$ in aquifers [1,2]. Natural capillary pressure barriers trap the non-wetting phase at saturations greater than expected from pore-scale residual trapping processes alone, potentially providing greater CO$_2$ storage capacity. Capillary heterogeneity trapping has the potential to significantly improve the security of CO$_2$ storage in underground aquifers by immobilizing a large proportion of the injected CO$_2$ [1,2], however the connection between pore-scale fluid dynamics and larger scale flow processes have yet to be properly elucidated. The dynamics of the flow through pore throats may play a significant role in geological carbon storage [3,4], particularly at the boundary between different grain sizes. However, it is heterogeneity at centimetre-scale, over many thousands of pores, that leads to the larger scale phenomena of capillary heterogeneity trapping.

In this experimental campaign, state of the art synchrotron-based X-ray micro-CT experiments at the European Synchrotron (ESRF) were performed to investigate pore-scale flow dynamics in heterogenous sandstone cores over centimetre-scale fields of view. To investigate the impact of mm-cm scale natural geological heterogeneities on fluid migration and trapping, we performed experiments on 3 different sandstone samples: Bentheimer with layers perpendicular to flow, Bentheimer with layers parallel to flow and Bunter sandstone from a UK target storage site, the Endurance field. To evaluate the rate dependency of trapping, experiments over 2 different rates were compared to explore potential trapping within a range of carbon sequestration projects.

The high energy of the ID19 beamline at ESRF allowed us to capture frontal advance and trapping dynamics at pore-scale resolution (6.5 μm) in large heterogeneous consolidated samples (6 cm). With time resolution of 3 minutes, we observed unsteady state displacements, the prevailing conditions at most storage sites [1,4]. We captured dynamically both drainage and subsequent imbibition, proceeding until the residual saturation was reached. Pore-scale trapping mechanisms were captured with a field of view over the continuum core-scale, allowing us to investigate how larger scale capillary heterogeneity trapping processes are impacted by pore-scale events. Such experimental observations resolving trapping over many pores, representative of the large-scale process, are crucial for model validation, development and ultimately storage predictions [5].

We were able to observe, at the pore-scale, the transient interaction of the fluids with different types of layered heterogeneity. The heterogeneity impacted pore-filling events, and subsequent imbibition, allowing us to quantify the path to residual trapping. Consistent with numerical simulations [2], injection rate impacted capillary trapping with lower capillary number resulting in a greater amount of capillary heterogeneity trapping. The results from this synchrotron campaign advance our understanding of the impact of heterogeneity on the dynamics of capillary trapping within CO$_2$ storage sites.


[1] Krevor, S. C. M., Pini, R., Li, B., & Benson, S. M. (2011). Capillary heterogeneity trapping of CO2 in a sandstone rock at reservoir conditions. Geophysical Research Letters, 38.

[2] Harris, C., Jackson, S. J., Benham, G. P., Krevor, S., & Muggeridge, A. H. (2021). The impact of heterogeneity on the capillary trapping of CO2 in the Captain Sandstone. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 112.

[3] Rücker, M., Berg, S., Armstrong, R. T., Georgiadis, A., Ott, H., Schwing, A., et al. (2015). From connected pathway flow to ganglion dynamics. Geophysical Research Letters, 42.

[4] Spurin, C., Bultreys, T., Maja, R., Garfi, G., Novak, V., Berg, S., & Blunt, M. J. (2020). Real-time imaging reveals distinct pore scale dynamics during transient and equilibrium subsurface multiphase flow. Water Resources Research, 56.

[5] Jackson, S. J., & Krevor, S. (2020). Small-scale capillary heterogeneity linked to rapid plume migration during CO2 storage. Geophysical Research Letters, 47.

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Country United Kingdom
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Primary authors

Catrin Harris (Student) Dr Senyou An (University of Manchester, Imperial College London) Mr Vincenzo Cunsolo (Imperial College London) Samuel Jackson (CSIRO) Prof. Ann Muggeridge (Imperial College London) Sam Krevor

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