Title: Simulating flow and solute transport in subsurface environments: From pore-scale to beyond Abstract: Research of the multi-scale, multi-phase, and multi-processes system is of great interest in understanding subsurface environments. However, the coupled flow and transport processes are complex yet challenging for model development and utilization. There have been numerous object-oriented and easy-to-use models/codes across scales to facilitate consistency, continuity, and reproducibility in subsurface research. In addition, pioneer efforts on upscaling also inspire the development of hybrid multi-scale models. It is then critical to intercompare codes and approaches for their evaluation or validation, and propel discussions for optimizing the codes and the development of the next-generation numerical approaches. In this talk, we present a suite of at-scale and multi-scale models that we developed and utilized in recent years for simulating flow and transport processes, with intercomparison and benchmarking cases, including: (1) pore-scale models for simulating flow, solute transport and biofilm growth in porous media; (2) Darcy-scale models for simulating thermo-hydrological processes in frozen soils; (3) regional-scale groundwater models for simulating groundwater-surface interactions; (4) hybrid multi-scale models (pore- to Darcy-scale) for numerical upscaling. Bio: Xiaofan Yang is the Assistant Dean and Professor in Hydrology of the Faculty of Geographical Science at Beijing Normal University (BNU), China. She holds a BEng from Tsinghua University (China), a MSc from KTH (Sweden) and a PhD from Kansas State University (USA). Before joining BNU, she was a Scientist at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) of the U.S. Department of Energy (US DOE). Her research interests include subsurface hydrology, computational hydrology and multiscale modeling and simulations, with specific focus on reactive transport modeling, groundwater modeling, flow and reactive transport in porous media. She is currently the Vice President of the Terrestrial Working Group of the International Arctic Science Committee, member of the National Chapter Committee of the InterPORE, and serves as the Associate Editor of Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies and Hydrological Processes as well as the Editor of Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. |