13–16 May 2024
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Assessment of CO2 Storage Capacities in Saline Aquifers Using Material Balance Equations

14 May 2024, 09:25
1h 30m
Poster Presentation (MS21) Non-linear effects in flow and transport through porous media Poster


Sangkeon Park (Seoul National University)


Estimation the capacities for CO2 storage plays a pivotal role in carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects. The material balance equation (MBE) approach, commonly applied in this domain, provides direct estimations of CO2 storage potential. Traditional MBE techniques, however, often compute the original fluid in-place volume via volumetric assessments without subsequent validation, posing challenges to estimation accuracy. Recognizing the impact of precise original fluid in-place volume calculations reflective of the reservoir's pore volume on storage capacity, our research introduces an enhanced MBE methodology. We evaluated the effectiveness of our enhanced MBE method through comparisons with a commercial reservoir simulator, applying it to both a constructed synthetic aquifer scenario and the Sleipner field model. The application to the synthetic aquifer scenario resulted in a notably precise CO2 storage capacity estimate, with a relative error of just 2.085%, based on data from a single year of injection. This high level of accuracy was similarly observed in the Sleipner field application, where the method achieved a relative error of 1.6873%. Our developed MBE method further demonstrates its reliability in accurately forecasting CO2 storage capacities across a range of conditions, including variations in grid sizes, rock properties, injection rates, operational strategies, and geological heterogeneity.

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Primary authors

Sangkeon Park (Seoul National University) Mr Hyunmin Oh (SLB) Ms Hyunjee Yoon (Seoul National University) Mr Yeongju Kim (Seoul National University) Mr Byungin Choi (Computer Modeling Group) Prof. Wenyue Sun (School of Petroleum Engineering) Prof. Hoonyoung Jeong (Seoul National University)

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