13–16 May 2024
Asia/Shanghai timezone

A Transformer-based framework for brine-gas interfacial tension prediction: Implications for H2, CH4 and CO2 geo-storage

16 May 2024, 12:05
Oral Presentation (MS15) Machine Learning and Big Data in Porous Media MS15


Tianru Song (University of Science and Technology Beijing)


Brine-gas interfacial tension (γ) is an essential parameter to determine fluid dynamics, trapping and distributions at pore-scale, thus influencing gas storage capacities and securities at reservoir-scale. However, γ is a complex function of pressure, temperature, ionic strength and gas composition, thus very time-consuming and costly to cover all these influencing factors by experiment. Therefore herein, a machine learning workflow is established to predict γ accurately and and develop a mathematical prediction model under various gas (H2, CH4 and CO2) geo-storage scenarios.
First, three types of gases (namely H2, CH4 and CO2) were encoded based on their molecular weight. Then, γ and its influencing factors were input into the dataset (total 300 data points were collected, and the ratio of the training to the testing dataset is 8 : 2). Next, the advanced Transformer model was used to predict γ with the determination coefficient (R2) to evaluate the prediction accuracy. Finally, an accurate γ prediction correlation is derived as a function of pressure, temperature, ionic strength and gas composition.
The prediction results have shown that:
1) The prediction precision is high with (R2>0.8);
2) under typical gas geo-storage conditions, γ magnitudes follow the order H2 > CH4 > CO2, e.g., γ is 68 mN/m, 62 mN/m, and 27 mN/m respectively at 10 MPa and 50 ºC for these three gases;
3) For a representative H2 geo-storage scenario with CO2 as cushion gas, γ for the H2 and CO2 mixture is smaller than that for H2, while larger than that for CO2, which is attributed to various intermolecular forces for various gas compositions;
4) γ decreases with increasing pressure and temperature, while γ does not have a monotonous relationship with I, quantitatively consistent with experimental observations.
To our best knowledge, this is the first time to introduce a robust Transformer-based formula generation framework and develop a mathematical model for cost-effective prediction of γ under a wide range of gas geo-storage conditions. These insights will promote energy transition, balance energy supply – demand and reduce carbon emissions.

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Primary author

Tianru Song (University of Science and Technology Beijing)


Ming Yue (University of Science and Technology Beijing) Hussein Hoteit (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)) Hassan Mahani (Sharif University of Technology) Stefan Iglauer (Edith Cowan University) Bin Pan (University of Science and Technology Beijing)

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